Retro Review: The Moan For Bigfoot Anthology, Volume 1 by Virginia Wade

Because if it "awes" Anne Rice, you know you have to read it!

The Moan for Bigfoot Anthology, Volume 1 by Virginia Wade
Monsterporn, 110 Pages
The love... the sex... and the endearing characters of Virginia Wade's naughty Bigfoot saga set out for another adventure. As featured in the October 2012 issue of Penthouse Magazine!

"...I am in awe!" - Anne Rice

"Right mix of horror and erotica" - Scarlett Jones

"...the abduction of the three girls by an old woman and her 'son' leonard the bigfoot is treated like hostel; where the porn world meets the horror world. and it's not at all bad." - Karen Woodside

Volume 1 of The Moan For Bigfoot Anthology contains books 1, 2, and 3 of the Moan For Bigfoot, Monster Menage Series. 

Moan For Bigfoot
If you go into the woods today...

On a weeklong outing in Mt. Hood National Forest, what begins as a flirty, fun-filled trip soon turns into a nightmare, when an ape-like creature kidnaps a group of young women with the purpose of procreating with them.

Moan For Bigfoot 2
A foiled escape...

Kidnapped by horny, ape-like creatures in Mt. Hood National Forest, Porsche, Shelly, and Leslie find themselves in a lusty situation, as a tribe of Bigfoots use their willing, nubile bodies to satisfy their monster cocks.

Moan For Bigfoot 3
Poor Porsche. How can she leave all of this behind and return to civilization? When she's in the arms of her Bigfoot, warm and snuggly in his matted fur, the only thoughts going through her mind are of utter bliss. But...the new day dawns and reality has a way of creeping in and shattering the growing love between an ape and its mate. 

My Thoughts

Hey, don't judge. I needed me some truly brain dead reading and boy did I ever find it in this "Moan for Big Foot" collection. You can probably figure out what it's about from the title and the young beauty in the nightie who is lost in the woods. She moans for bigfoot and his disturbed mom who wields a vibrator, her two friends do too. She also moans for an older married man. Chick likes to get her moan on. There really isn't much more to say here, now is there?

It's silly and ridiculously gross and filled with rapey horror and TSTL cliches and the writing is very, very basic but you know what? I kept reading it . . . Totally worth my $3.99 haha.

A Bit About the Author

Virginia Wade
Virginia Wade is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author of erotica and erotic romance. Known for her Monster Sex series and the Cum For Bigfoot saga, she has penned tales in a variety of subjects, such as a modern, naughty retelling of Jane Austen’s most popular novels and a series on lusty Vikings, in Cum For The Viking. She has explored sex in outer space with Bred by the Alien and taken readers on a journey to ancient Rome in Conquest of the Gladiator.

Find her books here:

Excitica ♦ Smashwords ♦ Barnes and Noble

Read June 2014


  1. You cracked me up. Been visiting some of these posts today and I had no idea there were so many of these types of books!

  2. You can't help but smile when you see one of these books. Love your review :)

  3. I have to say, you do find the most interesting books. I think I said "oh my goodness" three times while reading this review lol. But I'm glad you were able to find a book that was exactly the kind of brain-dead read you needed at the time!


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