Between Naps 1/21/18

Between naps is a little recap of what we were up to last week and what's coming up soon(ish).

Last Week on the Blog:
PSA: I Might Not Like Your Book & That's Okay 
TTT: My Reluctant Resolutions & Goals

New Reviews:
♥  Audrey Rose by Frank Defelitta
♥  Hard Core by Tess Oliver 

So, not a lot but this pace is just fine by me because I'm able to keep up with the comments and have even been visiting other blogs for a change! I'm also still working on some long over-due ARC's, ugh . . .  Curse you Netgalley and your endless temptations!

What We've Been Up To 

More snow has arrived and turned the world b&w. It's lovely to look at but not so lovely to drive in so we're staying cooped inside more than usual. My dog is going a little stir crazy because he's used to going on walks through the forest on the weekend but it's been too frigid for me and last time I took him out on the snow/ice his poor nailbeds were bloody.

Link Ups

I'm keeping it simple from here on out and am only linking this post up to Caffeinated Reviewer's Sunday Post. I'm a day late but is anyone surprised by this?

Books Bought

None, can you believe it?! Me either. But it's true!

Now Reading

I'm still working on these. The first is a longish audio, the last is one I'm savoring. The Doll House is a bit of a slog for me and I can't figure out why. I also keep confusing characters from All the Best People with the people in The Doll House. These reviews are going to be a royal mess.

What's Distracting Me?

I haven't watched anything at all this week so blame my slow progress on ennui, Twitter and Instagram. But Twitter is likely the biggest distraction. I might have to delete that app from my phone because I seem unable to tear myself away from the ever scrolling feed.

What's Next?

I'm prepping for my first two Instagram Challenges #MADLOVEFEB & #bookreadhappyhour

I am going to have to read something else from the Netgalley queue. These are the oldest. Which would you read first?

Then I'll decide on which one of the many puppy books in my tbr I'll be reading for Barb's upcoming February Challenge

What have you all been up to?!


  1. The snow is back today and we're going nowhere! It's pretty cold today so I'm on the homemade soup and blogging by the fire!

  2. I am not a fan of snow. I have 3 dogs that start going nuts when locked in the house and it does hurt their paws to walk in it. It is pretty though. I hope the weather warms up for you. Yay for not adding new books! Have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Carole! It's raining and gloomy today but I'll take it over more snow :)

  3. The Doll House looks like it could be a good read. Will be curious to read your eventual review :)

    1. It was "meh" for me. It'll probably end up getting 3 stars once I stew on my thoughts.

  4. Wow you've got some snow! Poor doggy... I'm sure he can't wait for it to go away so the walking can resume. :) Cute cat pic too!!

    1. Thanks, Greg. We took him out for a burger yesterday because he looked so pitiful. It's amazing what a little trip in the car will do for his spirits.

  5. I am so tired of cold and snow! Your poor doggie! Enjoy your reads!


    1. Thanks, Stormi. Hope it warms up in your part of the country.

  6. We finally warmed up and I was out in t-shirt and shorts cleaning up my yard. Supposed to be 60s plus all week and I'm loving it! Stay toasty with some of those good reads:)

    1. Ah, I'm so jealous. We had one 40+ day over the weekend and it was heavenly!

  7. There’s tons of snow here, and my dogs are obsessed with it. They want to go outside constantly. It’s annoying. I hope you have a great week!

    1. Haha, it is annoying when it's freezing outside. Mine keeps wanting out but I just want to stay in!

  8. I know how you feel. Our dogs were going crazy because we couldn't walk them. Even bundled up in their coats (and toboggans - which is a whole 'nother story) it was way to cold to walk them many days). However, the weather has now broken and we are all gonna get sick probably because it's due to be 65 today. Snow makes Cass super hyper though and he loves doing laps in the back yard when they go out. I'm curious about The Doll House and am thrilled you are participating in the challenge.

    1. I caught Bailey doing laps around the shed yesterday.There's something about the snow that turns them back into puppies. Glad it's heating up for you. We're still too cold for me, 33 degrees today, but it's better than the 10 of the last few weeks. The Doll House turned out to be average. Not horrible but it was hard to stick to. I'm looking forward to participating in your puppy challenge but forgot to pick the book. I'll have to do that tonight.

  9. Yikes! your poor dog. My dogs used to get clumps of ice on their paws and fall over when we lived up north.

    I'm getting much better about Twitter. It was taking up time and stressing me out watching everyone freak out over every little thing in real time lol

    For What It's Worth

    1. The snow is nice when it first falls but once it starts melting and freezing it is not at all fun for any of us :( He and I both slipped today. I fell on my bum and he twisted his leg. I cannot wait for winter to end!

  10. That snow is so pretty! But yeah, I'd prob feel differently if I lived there lol. I do a lot of Twitter scrolling too. But honestly, I'm sure I'd find something equally as time-sucking even if I got rid of it. Can't blame the site, can only blame myself lol.

    1. That's a good point ;) I've been trying to spend less time scrolling on Twitter because I've been scrolling on Instagram!


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