TTT: This is My Spring TBR Wishlist, Can You Add to It?

Hello my bookish friends! Top Ten Tuesday has a new host so be sure to link up over at That Artsy Reader Girl. The creators over at The Broke and the Bookish are closing their doors for now. I'm going to try to be a semi-consistent contributor. But as always, I make no promises.

Today's topic: Top Ten Books I Can’t Wait to Read This Spring

I am in the mood for horror this spring and summer. The kind of horror that will make your skin crawl, force you to turn on all the lights and chill you to the bone. But why, oh why, is it so hard to find new upcoming true horror releases?! Lilyn @ Scifi & Scary manages to find them and compiles a handy list of independent horror over @ Goodreads but when I search on the internets for "new horror" I find so much other mixed in. I get long lists of YA, fantasy, lit fic, paranormal romance, mystery and even children's books! It's worse than going to the bookstore where I have to spend hours weeding through "fiction" to find one book I might like. It truly shouldn't be this hard. Why is it so  hard?! But after much weeding out I think I've found a few which I'm listing below. If they are not true horror or gothic horror please give me a heads-up. I'm in the mood for creepy not something with a "scary" sub-plot that will never be able to scare me or hold my interest right now. 

The Horror

Not Horror but I'm Dying for these!    

The fish man is completely irresistible to me. I think it has to do with watching The Creature from the Black Lagoon one too many times when I was a kid. I even dragged my family to visit his decapitated head that time last summer. The other two are must-read authors for me.

Do you know of any others I need to add to my list?


  1. I like what little I've read of Jaye Wells and I love that cover!

    1. Oh yay, I'm glad to hear that! I haven't read the author before but it called to me.

  2. Providence!! Yes I am excited for that one for sure. Happy reading with these!!

    1. Thanks, Grace. I am SO looking forward to that one :)

  3. Looks like a good list of books. I will have to check some of them out.

  4. I'm dying to read The Shape of Water too! But gosh, it's so expensive! Gonna wait and see if the library gets it or if maybe there's a sale or they make it in PB or something.

    1. Me too. I'm #9 on the waitlist for the audio at Overdrive!

  5. I hope you enjoy the books on your list. I have seen Cross your Heart on a few lists.

  6. I want the Shape of Water because of the Creature of the Black Lagoon too. I know what you mean about horror. I am reading The Hunger and it's killing me. In fact, it's caused a mini-slump. It's not a bad read but it's not really scary. Some have said it's a slow burn but I think it's more of a slow smolder.

    1. Uh oh, I think I have The Hunger coming in on audio. I hope it gets better for you and soon!

  7. Ooh, awesome list! I've been wanting to try out some more horror lately, so maybe I'll have to check out a few your picks here, they all look awesome. I'm intrigued by The Shape of Water, also!

    1. Yes, don't they all look so good?! I hope you get to try a few. Thanks so much for visiting!

  8. You've listed quite a few horror titles I've never heard of, so thanks for bringing them to my attention! The Coffin Path in particular looks really good. And I'd love to get my hands on The Shape of Water as well:-)

    1. I'm waiting on my turn for The Shape of Water from Overdrive. It says 3 weeks. Ugh, I don't know if I can hold out the long!

  9. Have you read Darcy Coates? I find some of her books too ... expected, but I thought The Haunting of Ashburn House was really pretty good, for a classic haunted house story. It gave me some genuine creeps. Making note of everything on your horror list because I have also been in a total horror mood lately and am tired of starting horror novels only to find them too dumb/painful/unscary to read past the first couple of chapters.

    1. No, I haven't read that author yet. Thanks so much for the recommendation. I'm always on the lookout for creepy horror stories.

      I hope a few of these books on my list here will give you (and me!) the creeps :)

  10. I can't add to your list, but thank you so much for adding to mine. ;D

  11. I don't read a ton of horror but I do like a good scary read from time to time. :) And hello fellow Creature from the Black Lagoon fan- lol I loved that movie as a kid! I should rewatch...

    I do need to see the Shape of Water, and Cross Her Heart looks good too.

    1. I need to see the movie too. We tried to go locally but it was only showing at 12:30 pm and we couldn't make it :( I'm going to have to get it on-demand.

  12. I really want to watch the Shape of Water movie. I wonder if it appeals to me for the same reason you mentioned. I can't tell you how many times I watched Swamp Thing as a child. The Jaye Wells also has my name all over it. I hope you enjoy all of these.

    1. lol, a fellow swamp creature fan. I'm glad we are all crawling out of the woodwork. I thought I was alone :)

  13. None that catch my eye there but hope you enjoy them all :)

  14. O
    You are going to read the SHape of Water. ME TOO! I adored the movie. I adore anything Guillermo del Toro. Hope you love it.

    1. I love his movies too. They are an experience and always so deliciously dark!


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