Hanging Around the Blogs: News & Reviews You May Have Missed #16

Inspired by "Around the Blogs with Chuckles". There are never enough hours in the day to be a creeper on all the blogs and social media outlets so here's a recap of some great posts, articles and news tidbits you may have missed while you were out living your life.

Review "Rules" & Review link-ups

Anatomy of a Book Review:

You all probably know how much I despise "review rules" but this article here actually has some useful tips. I wanted to hate it but I didn't, lol.

How To Write A Good Book Review

Author Andy Cull Shares A Story @ Kendall Reviews

Tammy @ Books, Bones, Buffy Reviews T. Kingfisher's Newest (also a Horror Aficionados Group Read for November!)

Ink Heist Reviews Damien Anjelica Walters "Dead Girls Club"

Erica Robyn Has Started Her Christmas Wishlist (wish I were that organized!)

Joyous Reads Has Been Reading Some Thrillerish Reads In October

Ladies of Horror Fiction News

Our November Goodreads group read is WILDER GIRLS by Rory Power. We hope you'll join us! The chat threads are up here.

Recommended Movies/TV

I Am The Pretty Thing That Lives In The House

7/10 Hmmm, I really wanted to love this one. It has such fabulous atmosphere and I never thought I'd say this but I think it had too much atmosphere. The film was all atmosphere and it left me with two burning questions that will never get answered. It's a slow burn and the payoff wasn't 100% worth the trip to get there, IMO.


9/10 Streaming on Shudder. Haunt is the perfect film to watch right now🎃👻. It's creepy, anxiety raising,  non-stop frights and filled with dummies making wrong decisions. I loved it.

Zombieland Doubletap

8/10 This movie was so much mindless fun. I am so used to grit and grime in my horror films and in The Walking Dead that I was really struck by how clean everyone managed to be immediately after their zombie brawls. Like zero blood on them? Makeup all freshened up after a puking bout? I found that so strange but I don't think anyone was going for reality here anyway, haha.

That's all for now. Read some books, watch some bad films and have a relaxing weekend, everyone!


  1. Okay so I popped over and read the review guide and yep, I didn't hate it either. I think they're best tip was have fun. I try to stay out of the review drama as much as I can but you know I don't mind explaining why a book didn't work for me. It was fun in October to see all the horror/mystery/thriller books people were reading.

    1. I think that was the first review guide that I could promote. Most of them make me a little crazy.

      I wish it were October all year long :)

  2. I wish I'd got to more really good horror books last month! Still my TBR is going down so that's the main thing!

    1. That's awesome! My TBR pile has not moved all year. *cries*

  3. Replies
    1. Thanks, Mary. I hope you did too. Our town postponed it until Saturday because it was raining :(

  4. I think Wilder Girls is my next read. And thanks for the links- I see a few there I want to check out. :)

    1. Yay, I hope you love it. I hope to start it soon.

  5. I can't put my finger on why I couldn't get into I Am The Pretty Thing. It just didn't work for me. Tried it twice. Wilder Girls has a wicked cover. You've got me curious:)

    1. There just wasn't enough substance in that movie for me.

  6. Thanks for the shout out! I thought that trailer of I Am the Pretty Thing...was scary, but it's too bad it didn't quite work for you.

    1. I needed more. It was decent but too much was left to the imagination.

  7. thanks for sharing all the goodies
    sherry @ fundinmental

  8. The review post has some great pointers. Lots of great things on lately.

    1. I was so surprised to find myself pleased with that review rules post, lol.

  9. haha! My early Christmas wish-lists are always lists I hope my husband sees! ;-) Hopping to the other links now! :)

    1. I need to start my wish list but first I should probably read a few of the books I got from lovely people last Christmas!


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