Erotica Review: The Stranger by Portia Da Costa

The Stranger The Stranger by Portia Da Costa
My rating: 3 of 5 stars

Someday I promise to write an actual serious review. But that day is not today.

Instead I decided to pluck another great piece of literary fiction from one of my tbr piles.

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The Stranger has been sitting on the bottom of a pile of other unloved books ever since I bought it brand new in 1997.

Claudia is a widow in her 40’s and one day while strolling about her property, she spies a beautiful, naked young man having a good time with himself. She leaves him alone since he wasn’t harming anyone except maybe himself. Because that’s not creepy at all . . .

Later that evening a storm moves in and she hears some frantic knock, knock, knocking on her front door.

What’s a girl all alone in the world to do? Why, open up that door, of course! Turns out it’s the young guy she spied on earlier. He’s afraid of the rain, I guess, because rain is scary, and he’s in need of a safe, warm, place to call home. He also has no memory of who he is but he sure knows how to make himself at home pretty swiftly . . .

Thus begins Claudia’s reawakening to the saucier things in life. Now she finds herself looking at everyone in her circle as a potential sexual plaything and they’re all up for it because, well folks, this is a Black Lace book, after all. It’s incredibly unrealistic but, hey, does anyone read these for the realism?

So clothes are dropped and stuff happens between one, two, and sometimes three people that I will leave up to your imagination. In the end Claudia finds her womanly super-power and everyone is blissfully exhausted and I have learned two new words!

‘Oh God! Oh my God!’ chuntered Paul as she plagued and played with him.

Chuntered: to mutter or grumble incessantly in a meaningless fashion.

And, my personal favorite: The Love-eye!

Nope, not that kind of love-eye! I admit I was afraid to look that one up but I think I got the gist.

This was okay in dribs and drabs but it got repetitive. I think I’m spoiled by today’s novellas. A full out novel about “awakenings” is possibly 200 pages too many.

Buy it at Amazon.

View all my reviews


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