Horror Review: Haunting Obsession by R.J. Sullivan

Haunting Obsession
 3 1/2 of 5 stars
Daryl has an obsession with long dead film star Marilyn Monroe (called Maxine Marie in this here fable). He’s a total geek but is fortunate to have Loretta, his real-life, flesh and blood girlfriend, who loves him and tolerates his fixation on Maxine. But when he decides to buy a spendy piece of Maxine memorabilia rather than buy her a birthday present, she stomps off in a huff. Well, wouldn’t you?

So Daryl heads home with his new present to himself and puts on a Maxine film to while away the time. Before long he gets a whole lot more than he paid for when Maxine comes to life and surprises him with some sexy time. Being a fool and all, Daryl cannot resist his fantasy woman, and finds himself in a world of trouble.

Now it’s up to a very pissed off Loretta to save his sorry butt. He’s lucky he had Loretta and not a girl like me because he’d likely be missing an appendage . . .

This was an entertaining little story but it wasn’t even a wee bit scary which was a bit disappointing. There are a few illustrations which was a nice bonus. The characters come across as real people but I think I enjoyed Maxine’s mean girl reactions to current pop culture more than anything else. Her take on Big Bang Theory’s Sheldon Cooper on a t-shirt:

The woman wore a t-shirt with the image of a man’s face—long, thin, unattractive, almost creepy.

 photo sheldon_zpsi2bi8jlk.gif

Awwww, poor Sheldon.

*I received a copy of this ebook from the publisher in exchange for an honest review and that’s what you’re getting.

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