DNF Review: Snow by Ronald Malfi

Snow by Ronald Malfi
Released: March 2010
Horror Fiction
Amazon ♦ Goodreads

Todd Curry wants nothing more than to spend Christmas with his son. But when a brutal snowstorm cancels his flight from Chicago to Des Moines, Todd and a few other stranded passengers decide to rent a Jeep and make the trip on their own.

During the drive, they pick up a man wandering through the snow, who claims to be searching for his lost daughter. He is disoriented and his story seems peculiar. Strangest of all are the mysterious slashes cut into the back of the man’s coat, straight down to the flesh…

When they arrive at the nearest town, it appears deserted. Windows dark, car abandoned, fired burning unattended. But Todd and the rest of the travelers soon learn the town is far from deserted, and that they are being watched…


Snow is about a guy and a gal who first meet at an airport. They end up stranded when their flights are cancelled due to a snowstorm. They, very unwisely if you ask me, decide to rent a car and drive to their destinations instead. During a blizzard.

Bad and bloody things happen because more than snow has come rolling in with the blizzard. It has a lot of gore, action and even a religious wingnut BUT . . .

I am sad to say that this one was a DNF. The writing was good, there was attention to atmosphere and to character but I just didn’t love it and found myself daydreaming. The characters and their plight did not move me. After the fifth attempt at getting it done, I put it aside for the final time at the 50% mark. It could be my mood (probably), or the fact that I sort of recently read a similar book and didn’t love that one either (Chills) but whatever the reason I tired of the struggle and pulled the plug.

It has lots of fantastic reviews by many of my trusted friends but alas it wasn’t meant for me.


  1. You DNF'd! I'm so proud of you! *grins* I had considered looking at the book but I don't think I'll bother so your review has saved me some time as well. Yea!

    1. Haha, thanks Chuckles. I am terrible at DNFing but five strikes and this one was out.

  2. Hey at least you were able to DNF this one. Good job!

  3. Hmmm, I wonder if since I liked Chills that I might like this one. :) Don't blame you for DNFing if you just wasn't into it. :)

  4. I am sorry this one didn't work out for you but good for you for throwing it to the side and moving on.

  5. Life really is too short for meh reads. I love the beginning set up. Too bad it was a miss.

  6. I agree with Anna above: life is way too short for bad reads. Onward to the next one!

  7. Bummer. Sometimes you gotta do what you gotta do. DNF'ing that is. Not driving in a blizzard. You probably shouldn't do that.


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