TBR Thursday (2)

I have fallen down on my plan to read books in an organized order on week 2 of this post. Is anyone surprised? I momentarily forgot I was supposed to start WILDER GIRLS by Rory Power for the Ladies of Horror Fiction Goodreads chat. So my tbr photo will be the same as last week. How convenient for me, lol.

Up next in the TBR: 

Anyhow, next up is STILL Chris Sorensen's THE HUNGRY ONES which is a sequel to his book THE NIGHTMARE ROOM VIOLET by Scott Thomas. This is by the author who wrote KILL CREEK .

Currently Reading:

WILDER GIRLS by Rory Power is my current read and so far it's pretty fantastic. It has some knarly body horror and imperfect characters. I like it a lot more than I did last months pick of HERE THERE ARE MONSTERS which is a relief. I ended up DNFing that one and am not sure if I'll ever get back to it. YA isn't my #1 go to so fingers-crossed that I continue to love Wilder Girls.

What's up next for you?


  1. I have seen some good reviews for Wilder Girls. I hope you end up liking it when you are done. Enjoy!

  2. I am reading a cozy called The Puppy Who Knew Too Much, am about 100 pages into The Remaking - a horror story I'm loving so far. I also need to read The Influence for a blog tour soon and start The Stand. Whew, I'm tired just typing it!

    1. You are going to be busy!! I don't think I've heard of The Remaking. I can't wait for your review!

  3. Sorry if there are multiple messages here but it keeps coming up as error when I press publish! I don't go much for YA as the tropes bug me too much so it's easier to avoid it! Next up for me is a bit of a problem. I've got three challenges, two with five books, one with six but I'm only in the mood for NF at the moment!

    1. I'm sorry. Blogger is such a pain sometimes. It wouldn't even let me log in the other day to leave comments but only this one of yours came through. Ugh, your challenges sound so stressful to me but I wish you luck! I have such a hard time completing a challenge.

  4. I loved Wilder Girls, and I want more, more, more. I hope you love Violet when you get to it.

    1. Thanks, Jen. I'm about halfway through Wilder Girls now and I LOVE it.

  5. Enjoy this one! I've been seeing it everywhere for sure.

  6. Yesss! I can't wait to see what you think of Violet!


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