Between Naps (2)

Between naps, this happened last week:

Horror Reviews 
The Cats of Ulthar by H.P. Lovecraft (free short story)
A Death by Stephen King (another free short story)

Other Reviews:
Organic Dog Biscuit Cookbook by Bubba Rose Biscuit Company
Where'd You Go, Bernadette by Maria Semple
The Ghostwriters by Mickey J. Corrigan

Got My Eye On:  Book & Blog finds

New This Week

Tentative "reviews" scheduled by authors Ernest Cline,Tim Curran, Megan Abbott, Jeff Strand and Anne Morrow Lindbergh, another Got My Eye On which highlights the blogs and books I discovered while poking around the internet and perhaps a Horror Film Friday or a feature on bookish podcasts if get it in gear.  

Real Life

Things continue to be a wee bit stressful. My golden Buddy suffered another seizure after going two weeks seizure free. He was blind, deaf and unable to walk for a good hour and a 1/2 this time around. But when he finally snapped out of it he was happy and super hungry but I had to feed him out of my hand because his depth perception was off. He gave me a big kiss in thanks. It's so sad to see him go through this but I've been told he is not conscious during the seizure which is a huge relief. Here he is chillin' with his chubby pal Evil Kitty. It's a rough life :) 

Submission Status

I am booked up with reading selections for the next month but if you have a new release in the horror, romance, erotica or monsterporn genres and would like a little spotlight on your book without a review please leave a comment on this post or, if you prefer to keep things under wraps, you can contact me via my queries page. No interviews, no giveaways and no stock blog tour posts though.

Now on to the books!

Real life and fiddling around with some formatting/categorizing stuff on this blog kept me busy so there wasn't a lot of time for adding to the tbr piles but I still managed a few. I also figured out how to make little round buttons and get rid of frames on the pictures which made me feel accomplished :)  I'm linking this post up to Stacking The Shelves Sunday PostMailbox Monday & It's Monday! What Are You Reading? because I met so many great bloggers last week and found some fab books too. 


I did not successfully avoid the siren call of Netgalley this week and was approved for this one. Mr. Kirbs was not at all surprised.


In the Mail

Only one "real" book was added to the pile this week. I know. I can hardly believe it myself. This unabridged audio arrived via paperbackswapSince audio's require 2 credits, I am feeling accomplished. 2 out, 1 in. Not bad, right?

E-book Buys


Currently Reading


Please talk to me and tell me what you're up to and if you've read any of these books.  I'd love to hear from you and will always visit you in return.


  1. So sorry to hear about your fur baby having such a hard time. :( That is hard to watch I am sure. You got some good books, I hope you enjoy them! :)

    Have a great week!

    1. Thank you Stormi. We're taking it one day at a time. Have a great week.

  2. I hope your dog feels better soon. It’s hard to watch pets go through an illness.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thank you AJ. It is difficult to see them suffer and feel so helpless.

  3. Sorry to hear about your dog. I hope your dog gets better!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog and join in this week’s Book Photo Sundays!

    1. Thanks for the kind words and for visiting today :)

  4. Awe the poor fellow, I am glad he doesn't seem to be aware. It sounds like you are taking great care of him. One day at a time and lots of hugs. Seeing Evil looks good, and I have the Devil Crept In as well Enjoy your new books!

    1. Thanks Kimba, he's as sweet as ever and we're spoiling him rotten. Seeing Evil was a good serial killer thriller. I had a few nitpicks but overall it was entertaining.

  5. Sorry to hear about Buddy. So hard to watch our pets when they're not doing well.
    I hope the Sherryl Woods audio is a good listen!

    1. Thanks Mary. I'm looking forward to the Sherryl Woods. I don't think I've read any of her work.

  6. Our very first boxers had seizures occasionally and they are tremendously scary. Sending lot of hugs and kisses Buddy's way. I have The Devil Crept In as well. It will probably be my first read from that author although I've bought several others for my Kindle when they were daily deals.

    1. Thanks so much Barb. I started him on medication yesterday because they seem to be increasing on frequency so hopefully it slows them down a bit. I am so looking forward to The Devil Crept In. I hope you enjoy it.

  7. I'm glad Buddy doesn't know or feel anything during a seizure. Poor guy. Yay on naps though. I don't think we adults treat ourselves to enough of those.

    1. You're so right. My pets, kids, husband - they all know how to nap. Me? Notsomuch :)

  8. Poor Buddy. We had that problem with our golden. It's heartbreaking. When the episode passes they do bounce back. Goldens are a happy sort.

    1. I didn't realize this before it happened but goldens are prone to seizures and brain tumors :( My other golden, who was curly and red and smaller than Buddy, lived to 16 and never suffered from either. Fortunately, Buddy has had a long, happy life and we are thankful it didn't happen when he was a youngster. It's tough enough now.

  9. Oh your sweet little herd babes. I'm sorry yall had another seizure scare. It's so awful seeing it happen. Thank goodness they're so darn resilient. Hope yall have a good week with no scares! <3

    1. Thanks Anna, we're keeping all of fingers and toes crossed. So far so good :)

  10. Sorry about your dog. Hope all continues to be good.

    ENJOY your books and your reading week.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday


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