Between Naps (9)

Between naps is a little recap of what we were up to last week which wasn't much! 

New Review:
Five Stories High edited by Jonathan Oliver

Retro Review:
Slave Girl by Lisa Cach
The Hospital by Keith Blackmore
The Collector by Nora Roberts

Tackling the TBR: And the winner is . . . 

Random Crap:  State of the Slump - a lame explanation for my lack of new reviews!

What We've Been Up To 

 The Blog: I've decided to cut down my blogging from 5-6 days per week to 3-4. This will give me more time to read, review, reply to comments and visit other bloggers as well as maybe blog ahead for once in my blogging life. I'll see how this goes. Trying to keep up with everything was eating up too much time. How do you all manage?!

 The Furries: have been snuggling and lounging about and enjoying this never ending winter. Me? Not so much. I'm tired of snow, slush and this dreary weather. We had another foot dumped on us last weekend. I'm seriously considering relocating to the south in a few years because I have had ENOUGH!

♥ I finally broke down and got a new phone that has enough memory so I am now able to take random shots without having to delete everything on my phone. Here are a few from this past week.

Mr. Kirbs

Patrick AKA Evil Kitty

Miss September

Link Ups

Netgalley Binge

I looked, I even updated a review but I did not request! I wish I had this kind of willpower over cupcakes.

Ebook Buys

I grabbed a few freebies/cheapies. Now if I could only buy some reading time! 

A Demon Bound (Imp Series Book 1) by [Dunbar, Debra]BUY ME - The Complete Series (Mistress Auctions Book 4) by [Riley, Alexa]Taboo For You (Friends to Lovers Book 1) by [Sunday, Anyta]The Given Garden (Parts 1 & 2 Combined) (The Eden Chronicles) by [Munt, S.K]Reunited by [Bene, Jennifer]

In the Mail

Audio in from Tantor
Now Reading


Reviews In Progress


Yikes, same as last week. My slacking is showing, how embarrassing . . . 

What have you all been up to?  And let me know if you've read any of these! I love to hear from you and will always visit back in return.


  1. I blog all through the day doing my posts, catching up with bloglovin, author newsletter emails, blog post comments, visiting other blogs and anything computer related. At about 3pm I stop to make and eat dinner and catch up on news from around the world and 5pm onwards is reading time until I go to bed around 10pm. If I don't have a ton to do on the computer I fit in some extra reading!

    This week I'm catching up on more reviews, get my new GoT post up which I didn't manage last week, and do a bit more blog visiting as I'm a bit behind.

    1. Wow, that's a lot of blogging! I give myself two hours at the max to fit everything in. No wonder I'm so bad at this.

  2. Yeah it is hard to keep up with everything blogging!! Some weeks I'm good some weeks I can't get it all done. Hope your new schedule works for you. Yay for a new phone with more room for pictures. Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Grace! I'm so glad to have a phone that actually works now :)

  3. The only thing I've been consistent about as a blogger is my inconsistency. :) I don't know how others appear to be so on the ball.

    1. I am so glad to hear this! I don't think I'll ever get it together and will have to be okay with that ;)

  4. I sometimes try to cut back a little bit on posting. I hope you love all of your new books this week.

    Grace @ Books of Love

  5. I decided to cut back on the blog as well, but now I feel like I'm barely on here. I need to do more than the 2-3 blog posts a week. Bah.

    1. Sorry to hear that it isn't working out for you. I need to find some sort of balance between too much and too little. I tend to wing it .

  6. Your cats are so cute. I can't wait for spring to come! I have tried not to put a lot of pressure on my blogging this year and have really felt better and more encouraged to blog. Enjoy your new books.

    Megan @reading away the days

    1. Thanks, Megan. So far this has been a decent reading week :)

  7. Awwww, so many cats. I don't have any cats (I'm not a pet person) but I love playing with other people's pets. Adorable!

    I blog 7 days a week and while I like my blog's schedule, it can definitely be a little overwhelming at times. Hopefully you find your rhythm with your new schedule!

    I hope you enjoy all of your new books! Have a lovely weekend. =)

    Check out my STS post!

    1. Thanks for visiting Alyssa. 7 days a week is a busy schedule! I know I'd fail at that if I tried ;)

  8. Your doing really good with not getting the egalleys while I can't seem to quit getting them and my goal was to not get as many...I just can't help myself! :) Hope you enjoy your new reads!

    1. I have to stay away. Whenever I request too many from NG it seems to feel more like work to read.

  9. Great haul! I totally agree about needing to buy some time! Have a great week :)

    Jen @ Books That Hook

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. If only we could, I would get sooo much done!

  10. I am doing better at not requesting too much from NetGalley but I can't seem to completely stop. Good for you! Finding the right blogging schedule and finding time for everything is a constant struggle. I find something that works most of the time but then fall way behind as soon as I have a busy week. Love the kitty pics!

    1. Yep, I'm the same way. Just when I think I'm ahead of the game, life gets busy and I am way behind.

  11. I'm sorry you've had so much snow this year. We've been enjoying an unseasonably warm winter but I'm afraid the other shoe is going to drop before the season ends. Winter is great for snuggling though. Can't wait to see your thought on "Bones Would Rain From the Sky."

    1. I hope you make it through this winter unscathed by heaps of snow. It's warmed up here and it's melting away. The dogs have a muddy mess in the backyard which they love.

  12. I usually visit blogs in the morning, then work on mine and visit more at night while watching some television. I try to blog ahead quite a bit so my weekends are free to enjoy the outdoors, especially now that the weather is so nice. It's almost 80 and the sun is blazing today. I'm loving so many of your books. Love the Tantor one!

    My Sunday Post

    1. Wow, I'm so envious. It's 40 here and feels absolutely balmy ;)

  13. I only blog 3-4 times a week for the very reasons you mention and it works for me. Life outside blogging and all that! Gorgeous photos.

    1. Thanks for visiting, Kathryn! Yeah, it's going to be even worse in the spring when we all want to get out of the house ;)

  14. I loved Girl with All the Gifts but haven't listened to Fellside yet. I am so much happier now that I don't feel the pressure to post something every day.

  15. Your cats are adorable! Good for you for resisting the NetGalley urge. It's so hard to not request all the books! I hope you have a great week.

  16. Blogging and time are issues, definitely :) And love the cat pics! Looks like an interesting mix of books.

  17. The kitties are adorable and 3-4 days a week is awesome, especially if you feel good and can read and enjoy the blogging world more.

    1. Yeah, I'd like to spend a bit more time visiting other bloggers. I always seem to run out of time at the end of the day.

  18. Aww your cats are so cute! I post 5 times a week, but that's only because I have no life so I'm able to get lots of blogging and reading time in lol. I have no idea how other people are able to do so much real life stuff AND do all the blogging stuff!

  19. I hope you have a good week.

    ENJOY your books.

    Silver's Reviews
    My Mailbox Monday

  20. I have trouble replying to comments and visiting too. Only so much time.
    Your cats look wonderful - even Evil Kitty.
    Well done not getting more books from NetGalley. It does take control.
    I grabbed one of those freebies - thanks.
    Bones Would Rain from the Sky looks really good.
    Happy Reading!

    1. I hope you enjoy the freebie, Martha. And thanks for taking the time to visit. Bones Would Rain is very good. It's sparked some thoughts in my head about the behavior of my own dogs and given me something to think about.

  21. Yay on the phone and being able to take pics. Been there. lol Yeah, it all takes a serious bit of time doesn't it? I'm behind on comments so comment bombing you all today :D


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