Books, Movies, TV & Updates • July 1, 2023

Hello, everyone! I hope you found some time to read last week or were at least able to take some time for yourself. Staying mostly offline has helped me get so much done. I planted a wildflower garden, visited the old rock in Plymouth, MA and watched some birds who were much more exciting than the rock 😆

Recent Reads & Listens 

I'm slowly catching up on my review postings but I'm starting to feel like I have it all under control for the first time in ages. Here's what I posted to the blog since my last check-in.

Clicking on a cover will open a new window to my review.






Additions to the TBR

NONE! My no-buy ban is still in place. I even went to B&N, looked around and bought nothing. The suckage. Not buying books hasn't made a dent in my tbr pile yet though, I am sad to say. I'm still working on review books, book chat books and my IRL book group books. One day I will actually get through something I actually bought ages ago 😬

I did accept one book for review ↓

As the world’s climate swings rapidly between oppressively hot and freezing cold, the remnants of civilization huddle in small communities to scrape together what they can to survive.

All except the Zhu family.

Yi has lived in her ancestral house her entire life, sheltered and safe from the scarcity that plagues her community. Her family enjoys a secret life of running water, electricity, and an abundance of food.

But as Yi seeks a way to share their fortune, she learns the terrible secret of the Zhu house.

DEHISCENT is an Eco-Horror tale of a future that has practically arrived, and the humanity that lurks in the most inhuman of places.

Cover art and illustrations by Ivy Teas.

Recent Watches


We just finished Dead Ringers and it was incredible. Rachel Weisz deserves awards for her devastating performances as the twins. Highly recommended but please beware of OB/gyn horrors! Just like the original film but also very different. 


This was a ridiculous movie that starts off slow but pays off in the end. The little goblin people deserved more screen time though, lol.

What's Next (maybe)

I'm still reading Lily Mayne's collection here and will be starting Our Wives Under The Sea by Julia Armfield for the Horror Spotlight Readalong in July. You can join us at the discord here

I swear to you this is the most unbothered creature on the planet. If only I could live my life without botheration like this!

Link Ups

In an effort to actually be social again in the book blogging world, I'm going to be linking this post up to Caffeinated Reviewer's Sunday Post & The Sunday Salon at Readerbuzz.  Link yourself up and make some new blogging friends!

Have a great week, everyone!


  1. Birds are always more fun to watch than rocks! ;D And I wish I could sleep like that cute cat. Hope you have a great weekend.

    1. Me too, not a worry in the world with that one!

  2. Oh, I want to hear about Dehiscent. The publisher said it was new weird cozy horror, and I'm so here for that.

  3. I started Dead Ringers! I got sidetracked by Silo but need to get back to that

    1. I hope you get back to it. It's SO well done! I haven't tried Silo yet but I keep hearing about it.

  4. I haven't bought anything in a while but I do have 200 books on my Kindle. And when the romance authors put together about a thousand books for free to give away like they do every couple of months I got about 20 more for free. So I don't have to buy anything right now.

    1. I need to pay more attention to the sales now that my spending money is gone for the foreseeable future.

  5. Those photos are gorgeous! I haven't been buying books lately. I am not on a ban - just I will never catch up to my tbr though. Have a wonderful week!

    1. I'm only a ban because I'm broke. It sounds better to me when I say I'm on a self-imposed ban, lol. I just did up a tbr jar consisting of only a few of my tbr and it is embarrassing how many unread books I have collected.

  6. Pretty pictures!! I would imagine just about anything would be more interesting to watch than a rock! Haha!

    1. I was amazed by all of the people standing around and staring at a giant rock with a date carved into it, lol. Just hypnotizing, I guess!

  7. I love the picture of the ship, that is so cool. I'd love to learn more about Dehiscent. sounds like it would be right up my alley. Thanks for sharing.

    1. You're very welcome! Thanks for reading my blog post.

  8. Wow. It's amazing that you were able to go to the bookstore and come home without any new books.

    I'm trying to stay offline as much as possible. I find I'm much happier if I only check in online occasionally.

    I hope you will post pictures of your wildflower garden.

    1. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but my little garden has been pummeled by rain with no end in sight. They'll either be spectacular or non-existent!

  9. I love the idea of a wildflower garden . . . I wonder if they would do well here. My roses seem to be the only thing I can keep alive--and that's not because of anything I have done. I think I would find the birds the more entertaining of the two also, but oh, to be by the water! Thank you for sharing the photos!

    My cats have similar sleeping positions! LOL So adorable!

    I hope you have a great week! Happy reading.

    1. You can usually find wildflower packets that will thrive in your location. I bought the Northeast pack and they were doing well until the rain pummeled them. I'm keeping my fingers crossed but they're not looking too great. Last year they bloomed like crazy.

  10. Love your photos! Your cat is so adorable 😻

  11. Our Wives Under the Sea is an overdue review book for me, I should join in! I love the boat photo, it looks so peaceful:-)

    1. JOIN US! I haven't even started yet as I'm still waiting for my turn to come up with Libby but a few members are chatting now.

  12. Maybe someday we can live like cats.

  13. I love birds! I have many feeders to attest to that. LOL


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