Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want to Read a Book

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by The Broke and the BookishThe prompt:Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly Want to Read A Book. These are all of the things I skim for when eyeing a book, along with a title or two of my most favorite books in each category because,you know, we all desperately need more books!

Click on any cover to be whisked away to my review either here or at Goodreads.


Anyone But You by Jennifer CrusieDeerskin by Robin McKinleyThe Secret Life of Souls by Jack Ketchum


Geek Love by Katherine DunnJoylandThe Pilo Family Circus by Will Elliott

Dark Humor

Sadie the Sadist by Zané SachsDemons, Dolls, & Milkshakes by Nelson W. Pyles

Haunting, Creepy & Atmospheric

The House Next Door by Anne Rivers SiddonsThe Bone Tree by Christopher FulbrightSeed by Ania Ahlborn


Trailer Park VirginFlowers in the Attic by V.C. Andrews

Strong Characters

The Promise of Jenny Jones by Maggie Osborne

Fun, Charming & Sexy

Getting Rid Of Bradley by Jennifer CrusieThe Love Charm by Pamela MorsiA Basket of Wishes by Rebecca Paisley

Unlikable Characters

You by Caroline KepnesDark Sister by Graham Joyce

Emotionally Draining/Soul-Destroying

The Passion by Donna BoydA Season in EdenAll the Ugly and Wonderful Things by Bryn Greenwood

And Last but Not Least: Monsterporn!

The Moan For Bigfoot Anthology, Volume 1 by Virginia Wade


  1. Awesome list. I knew dogs would be here. You know I've never heard of Deerskin before. I just added it to my wishlist. I've read the other two. I love dark humor as well and also really appreciate snarky characters.

    1. You've never read Deerskin? It's amazing and beautiful and tragic and terrible and I love it so much :) You must read it and write a review.

  2. Yay for circus/carnival books!!! And Braineater Jones such a fun book! But I think Flowers in the Attic scarred me for life because I read it when I was like 12 lol.

    1. Haha, I read it at the same age and look how well I've turned out!

    2. Yeah but have you seen both our tastes in books, haha.

    3. I don't want to think too much about that!

  3. YES love your list. Dogs, creepy, taboo, creepy/haunting atmosphere and emotional draining books are all things I would want to pick up a book for!

  4. I'm always drawn to circus/carnival books, too...especially if they're also mysterious and/or haunted. Because anything ghostly or haunted makes me want to read it. :)

    1. Yes, there is just something about those carny books that calls to me!

  5. Such a great list! Swan Song is on my reread list. Lots of great cover art too!

  6. Love your list! I enjoy all of those things as well....except the monsterporn. :)

  7. Circus/ carnival and atmospheric settings in general usually catch my eye. Strong characters are always great too.

  8. The one thing I can't deal with in books is characters I don't like! That makes me DNF sooo fast! I much prefer strong characters that I can root for. Interesting list-this has been a good inclusive TTT theme!

    1. Haha, sometimes I love to hate 'em. It's funny I just started a draft for the next TTT and it's 10 Things That Make Not Buy a Book and unlikable characters is on that one too. I am such a hypocrite :)

  9. Dogs!!! I love when a book features animals. It always has my attention. Thanks for sharing. Great list! 😁👍🏻

  10. I love pets in general in books. Total grabby hands. And Cum for Bigfoot (I refuse to use the sanitized name lol) was so fun!

    1. lol, that one started my affection for the monsterporn.


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