State of the Blog

Happy Monday bookish friends! I am coming out of hibernation to let you know that I am putting this little blog on hiatus. I'm having trouble keeping up with all of the things and projects I am currently involved in and I feel terrible when I can't return visits or even answer comments in a timely manner. I do not want to be one of those websites who posts their thoughts and walks away and can't be bothered to interact with anyone.That's not what this is about for me. This blog is a reading log but also an outlet to interact with all of you lovely people who continue to visit me even when I'm the worst blogger in blogland. This blog will stay up and you may see a post here or there from me but I can't commit to any type of regular schedule at this time. *cries* I will be focusing most of my energies on various Ladies of Horror Fiction projects as well as contributing to Horror After Dark . I hope to see you all around either place. I'll also be on Twi...