Horror Film Friday: Train to Busan
Train to Busan Zombie Film Released 2016 While a zombie virus breaks out in South Korea, passengers struggle to survive on the train from Seoul to Busan. See it on Netflix or Amazon My Thoughts It's been ages since I've gotten off my bum and written a horror film review. I've seen a ton of films but usually can't remember a thing once the credits roll and that makes it hard to write any kind of review. But this one? This one has been lingering and rattling around in what's left of my brain for days. Now it's screaming at me to write a review, if only to get it out of my head. I'll likely get the names spelled all wrong and maybe some of the details too but I'm going to do this anyway. Sorry in advance. This is a movie you MUST see if you're a fan of character driven, action-packed zombie films (yes, they really do exist!). This is how horror films should be done, if you ask me. It's a South Korean film