TTT: The Best Books I've Read (so far) In 2017

Hey bookish friends, I am down with some terrible stomach bug. I thought it was my terrible cooking but I'm the only one in the house sick so I guess that's not it. I will do my best to get to comments tonight/tomorrow/the next day and do some visiting but for now I am going to plop myself down and not-so-silently suffer with this nausea.  

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by The Broke and the BookishThe prompt:Top Ten Best Books I've Read in 2017 (so far). I completely intended to read from my tbr pile this year but then I succumbed to review requests and allowed the siren call of Netgalley to get the best of me. I shamefully admit that I haven't touched a "real" tbr book since I attempted to read Malfi's Snow several months ago but I have found some gems in the review queue! 

Click on any cover to be whisked away to my review either here or at Goodreads.

5 Stars

I'm stingy with the 5 stars but here are three very different books that I just adored. 

The Best Audiobooks


4+ Star Sexy Fun

Have you read any of these? If not, you should get going on that!


  1. Swapship Troopers looks like a fun read. I still need to get Bones Rain From the Sky. I remember your review and added it to the wishlist afterwards but don't think I ever grabbed a copy. Nice list!

  2. Sorry, haven't read any of them! I've always been tough to impress book wise but I've had a great year for 4 and 5 star reviews so it was hard to pick!

  3. Thanks for the Garden of Fiends shout-out! Much appreciated! (and pssst.... it's on a Kindle Countdown deal this week)

  4. omg I'm gonna have to read Garden of Fiends! Look at that cover! Now off to read your 5-star review :)

  5. Garden of Fiends- what a cover! Eek. And swapship troopers- lol. I had to look twice- I was thinking that's not the usual cover of Starship troopers!

  6. I haven't read any of these yet. Garden of Fiends looks quite tempting.

  7. I haven't read any of these, but they look good.


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