Kitties and Changes

State of the Blog Hi everyone, I've been going back and forth for weeks but have decided I am going to be making some changes regarding my posting frequency to this blog in order to continue my work on two group blogs before I burn myself out completely. I've been working on all three for a little bit now and have come to the depressing realization that I am spreading myself too thin. I'm finding myself with very little time left in the day to comment and visit back which makes me feel terrible. I'm also cutting into my reading time which is pretty sad considering these are all book blogs I'm working on, lol. Running a blog solo is hard work, as I'm sure you all know, and having a crew behind you takes a lot of the pressure off. I'm going to keep this blog up and will post occasional reviews and my usual random posts but there will be less content here than what I've been doing because I'm only going to post when I know I can keep up with comme...