Kitties and Changes

State of the Blog

Hi everyone, I've been going back and forth for weeks but have decided I am going to be making some changes regarding my posting frequency to this blog in order to continue my work on two group blogs before I burn myself out completely. I've been working on all three for a little bit now and have come to the depressing realization that I am spreading myself too thin. I'm finding myself with very little time left in the day to comment and visit back which makes me feel terrible. I'm also cutting into my reading time which is pretty sad considering these are all book blogs I'm working on, lol. Running a blog solo is hard work, as I'm sure you all know, and having a crew behind you takes a lot of the pressure off.  I'm going to keep this blog up and will post occasional reviews and my usual random posts but there will be less content here than what I've been doing because I'm only going to post when I know I can keep up with comments/visits. I'm also going to update my review pages with links to the reviews I'm writing for Horror After Dark & Ladies of Horror Fiction so they'll all be in one place. So don't be too startled if a jump link takes you there. It's still me!

I will continue to visit your blogs. I love talking to you lovely people and love our little community and I truly hope you will visit and chat with me here (when I post) and at:

Ladies of Horror Fiction & the recently revamped Horror After Dark

Both sites are backed by teams comprised of lovely, bookish people you've probably seen around twitter and the blogging world. Please visit and comment there. We love to hear your voices!

You can also find me on Booklikes which is a sadly underutilized blogging platform that makes everything so much easier than Blogger or Wordpress.

Happy reading & blogging everyone!


  1. I can't even imagine having more than one blog to work on and keep track of. I'll check out the other sites you posted.

  2. Wow, don't know how you do it. I'll make sure to visit the other sites more regularly.

    1. I don't do it very well, haha. Thanks, Barb, it means a lot to all of us.

  3. I know exactly what you mean Bark! I'm struggling too. I spend all my day in front of the screen dealing with my blog posts, comments and blog visits and I don't seem to get as much time to read and watch TV with my dad as I'd like. I'm trying to think up ways to reduce my workload before I end up burning out and quitting the blog completely. I'm not sure how to solve the issue though! Reduced posts, reduce the blogs I follow and comment on fewer posts seem the only way to go as much as I don't want to do it!

    1. Yeah, you don't want to burn out. I know the signs in myself and I'm starting to see them so that's why I'm pushing the pause button for a little bit. I need to just let some things go. I may only post here once a week or so. I need to get my reading time back!

      I hope you do reduce your workload because I'd hate to see you lose the love for your blog.

  4. I wrote reviews for about a year for a collaborative blog and my own blog really suffered, so I totally understand. Good luck!

    1. Thanks, Tammy! I'm doing a lot of behind the scenes things and I love doing it but I can't squeeze everything in at the end of the day. I wish I could steal more hours somewhere but I may have to win the lottery in order for that to happen.

  5. I think we all deal with this dilemma somewhere along the line. I hope you find a way that allows you to still enjoy sharing with us. I do follow you on Booklikes, but don't spend a lot of time over there. Like you said, not enough time in the day.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Yep, there are never enough hours. I'm still going to keep this blog alive but might only post once a week. I've been putting to much pressure on myself to post all the time and it's unrealistic.

  6. I could never manage more than one blog so I completely understand why you need to cut back. Especially if it's cutting into your reading time!! ;D Glad you'll still be around to chat with; I know I always love reading your comments on my blog.

  7. You may have made a decision for me...I have thought about starting a blog (i have haphazardly journaled in the past, but an actual BLOG, with regular posts)...but I am still working, and working on my Master's, and have recently volunteered to work on the Friends of the library FB and website -- so perhaps now is not the time to start :-) Good luck with backing off!! :-)

  8. Good call! Forcing yourself too hard and burning out is never good!

  9. Blogging is so time consuming! Good for you for doing what works for you. Will still look forward to your posts here but Ladies of Horror fiction sounds awesome too!

  10. I've taken this month off because of the move and while I missed blogging - oh man - the relief after I knew I couldn't blog because of time/no internet. It felt good lol

    I'll be back at it next week sometime but I might be changing how I do things too.

    And running (or contributing) to that many blogs is stressful for sure!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth


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