
Showing posts from April, 2017

Sorry I've been missing

I don't know when to quit. I hurt myself last weekend and then decided I felt better on Tuesday and made the 45 commute into work in my little car. I attempted to get out of my car and my back let me know what an idiot I truly am. I've been unable to move ever since. I've been laid up or attempting to shuffle around the house. One hip is 2 inches higher than the other and nothing is helping. I broke down and went to the chiropractor this morning and now I can at least sit and ice things without wishing for the grim reaper. Anyway, I'm not as flaky as I may appear to be. I'm just a mess right now. The pain was so bad I couldn't even read! I'll be back and visiting and commenting again when I can focus on basic life tasks.  I have a few more posts in the queue to carry me thru another week, I think, so please visit and know that I appreciate your comments SO MUCH! Read something awesome while I'm away.

The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn

A slow burn worth the effort. The Devil Crept In by Ania Ahlborn Audiobook Released: February 2017 Horror Fiction Amazon  ♦  Goodreads An unforgettable horror novel from bestselling sensation Ania Ahlborn—hailed as a writer of “some of the most promising horror I’ve encountered in years” (New York Times bestselling author Seanan McGuire)—in which a small-town boy investigates the mysterious disappearance of his cousin and uncovers a terrifying secret kept hidden for years. Young Jude Brighton has been missing for three days, and while the search for him is in full swing in the small town of Deer Valley, Oregon, the locals are starting to lose hope. They’re well aware that the first forty-eight hours are critical and after that, the odds usually point to a worst-case scenario. And despite Stevie Clark’s youth, he knows that, too; he’s seen the cop shows. He knows what each ticking moment may mean for Jude, his cousin and best friend. That, and there was that boy, Max Lars

Can't Wait Wednesday: The Well by Marie Sexton

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme at  Wishful Endings  to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous  Jill at Breaking the Spine . To find out more about linking in visit the Can't-Wait Wednesday page at Wishful Endings  here . The Well by Marie Sexton Releasing: May 22, 2017 Amazon  ♦  Goodreads Twenty years after prom queen Cassie Kennedy is brutally murdered, six teenagers break into the house where she was killed to hold a sĆ©ance. Haven knows his cousin Elise only wants to scare the crap out of him and his friends, but he’s willing to put up with one of her pranks if it means a chance to spend a few hours with the new kid in town, Pierce Hunter. But when morning comes, Elise has disappeared without a trace. Twelve years later, Pierce and his twin brother Jordan are professional paranormal inve

Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly NOT Want To Read A Book

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is brought to you by  The Broke and the Bookish .  The prompt: Top Ten Things That Will Make Me Instantly NOT Want to Read A Book . I'll read almost anything but there are things that bore or annoy the heck out of me and I skim for them in reviews or when eyeing a book for the tbr pile so I can save myself some aggravation. Listed are a few of the books that taught me what I DON'T like to read ;)   Click on any cover to be whisked away to my review either here or at Goodreads. Cheaters Asshole "Heroes" Forced Humor Convoluted Plots Series That Don't Know When to Quit Pathetic & Obnoxious MC's Rude/Insulting/Off-putting Writing Terrible Writing  Too Gross Partial Books/Cliffhangers

Free Audio is Coming April 27: Sync's 2017 lineup

I don't know about the rest of you but I cannot resist free audio! I've been enjoying the Sync program for several years and have found some great reads. Plus, you can't beat free! Starting April 27, Sync will offer up two free unabridged audiobooks for download each week - no strings attached (you just need to download the free Overdrive app or web program). You can sign up by clicking here or anywhere on the schedule below. I'll be nabbing most of them. What will you be grabbing?

Let Us Prey by Jamie Lee Scott

Vampire wanna-bees & murder? It's all in here. Let Us Prey by    Jamie Lee Scott Narrated by Gabra Zackman Beaulieu  Audio Released: February  2017 Amazon  ♦  Goodreads A former secret service agent turned private detective, Mimi Capurro. A disgraced NFL player turned homicide detective, Nick Christianson. A snarky (who knows what his background really is) computer forensics specialist, Charles Parks, trying to keep them from killing each other. And now they must find the killer of a New York Times best-selling author's assistant. Gotcha Detective Agency was hired to protect the author, when it was the assistant who really needed protection. And now it's a race to see who can find the killer. Mimi is determined to make up for puking all over Nick's crime scene by solving the murder before he does. Who will solve this case first? My Thoughts Mimi owns a private investigation/personal security firm and is asked to provide security

The Road by Cormac McCarthy

Surround yourself with chocolate, wine and a pet or two who will let you sob all over them before settling into this one . . . Retro Review The Road  by  Cormac McCarthy Post-Apocalypse 241 Pages Amazon ♦ Goodreads A father and his young son walk alone through burned America, heading slowly for the coast. Nothing moves in the ravaged landscape save the ash on the wind. They have nothing but a pistol to defend themselves against the men who stalk the road, the clothes they are wearing, a cart of scavenged food--and each other. My Thoughts   This story is about a man and his boy struggling for survival in a world destroyed by some sort of cataclysmic event. I’ve read a few reviews of this book and the movie version (which I have not seen) and knew what I was getting into but I have to admit that I wasn’t quite prepared for the absolute funk this book put me into while listening to it. It is about struggling to survive among the bleakest of odds. It’s da

Can't Wait Wednesday: All the Lies We Tell by Megan Hart

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme at  Wishful Endings  to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous  Jill at Breaking the Spine . To find out more about linking in visit the Can't-Wait Wednesday page at Wishful Endings  here . All the Lies We Tell by Megan Hart Scheduled Release: May 1, 2017 Amazon  ♦  Goodreads Everyone knew Alicia Harrison’s marriage to Ilya Stern wouldn’t last. They’d grown up on a remote stretch of Quarry Street, where there were two houses, two sets of siblings, and eventually, a tangled mess of betrayal, longing, and loss. Tragedy catapulted Allie and Ilya together, but divorce—even as neighbors—has been relatively uncomplicated. Then Ilya’s brother, Nikolai, comes home for their grandmother’s last days. He’s the guy who teased and fought with Allie, infuriated her, then fled