Sorry I've been missing

I don't know when to quit.

I hurt myself last weekend and then decided I felt better on Tuesday and made the 45 commute into work in my little car. I attempted to get out of my car and my back let me know what an idiot I truly am. I've been unable to move ever since. I've been laid up or attempting to shuffle around the house. One hip is 2 inches higher than the other and nothing is helping. I broke down and went to the chiropractor this morning and now I can at least sit and ice things without wishing for the grim reaper. Anyway, I'm not as flaky as I may appear to be. I'm just a mess right now. The pain was so bad I couldn't even read! I'll be back and visiting and commenting again when I can focus on basic life tasks.  I have a few more posts in the queue to carry me thru another week, I think, so please visit and know that I appreciate your comments SO MUCH!

Read something awesome while I'm away.


  1. Ouch...hope you are feeing better very soon.

  2. Back problems are the worst! I am so sorry. Hope it eases up and starts to feel better soon.

  3. Auch! Sounds like you're having a really bad time of it at the moment. I hope you can get back to normal real soon. Take care of yourself *hugs*

  4. Oh my gosh! How terrible! I hope it feels better soon.

  5. I'm so sorry. Hoping for a speedy recovery!

  6. Oh no! That's awful. Dang I hate to hear that. Hope you're feeling a bit better since it's been a few days since posting!

  7. thanks everyone. I am finally feeling human again and am back to my yoga routine. Back problems are the WORST.


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