Retro Review: Mosquitoes by Marc R. Soto

Want to feel unsettled? This one will do the trick!

Mosquitos by Marc R. Soto 
Horror Novella, 83 Pages
David is a normal ten-year-old boy who lives in the bosom of a happy family in a quiet town by the marshes, until some mysterious nightly bites lead him to undergo changes. All of a sudden, he knows things he shouldn’t, horrible things: his father dreams of going to bed with the intern and the husband of his teacher Mercedes is cheating on her. Mercedes is herself hiding a terrible secret from her past and is prepared to do something hideous to protect her future... And suddenly, along with awareness comes hunger. And thirst. An irresistible thirst.

My Thoughts
4 1/2 Evil Patrick's

This is a short story which I just learned was originally written in Spanish and translated. I would’ve never realized this because the translation was so smooth. Thinking on it, this story definitely has that slowly growing sense of dread, no child is safe, dream-like vibe down perfectly. If you’ve seen some of my favorite Guillermo del Toro films “The Orphanage”, “The Devil’s Backbone” or “Pan’s Labyrinth” you’ll know what I mean. If you haven’t and you like this sort of thing you should give them a watch. They’re awesome, amazing, creepy and emotionally devastating.

Now back to Mosquitoes.

David is a ten year old boy who is bitten by a mosquito. Stroking the bug bite distracts him all day while at school. Later that evening, when the itch has started to ease, he hopes the mosquito comes back to give him a new bite because that tingling felt really good. It’s all a bit weird and a little off and quietly disturbing, if you ask me. Anyway, David gets his wish and a whole lot more and that’s all I’m saying about that.

David fancies himself in love with his favorite teacher Miss Marcano. Miss Marcano has been very upset this past week because she has discovered her husband is a cheating whoreson. She stews in her grief and anger rather than confronting him. That’s never a good plan, ladies.

Things come to a horrifying and startling conclusion. I highly recommend this strange little story, with its unsettling sexual undertones and unpredictable plot. It’s bloody and nasty and features an imperfect protagonist with a dark past which I always enjoy and it was like nothing else I’ve read recently.

Read in May 2014


  1. I'm allergic to mosquitoes bite so maybe this isn't the book for me. But who am I kidding, it sounds great!

  2. I just knew that mozzies were evil little sods! Sounds interesting!

  3. Sounds perfect for me. And I enjoy short stories too. Gotta read it!

  4. This sounds like a really good short read. I will have to check it out. Great review!


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