Horror Film Friday: Train to Busan

Train to Busan
Zombie Film 
Released 2016
While a zombie virus breaks out in South Korea, passengers struggle to survive on the train from Seoul to Busan.

See it on Netflix or Amazon

My Thoughts
It's been ages since I've gotten off my bum and written a horror film review. I've seen a ton of films but usually can't remember a thing once the credits roll and that makes it hard to write any kind of review.  But this one? This one has been lingering and rattling around in what's left of my brain for days. Now it's screaming at me to write a review, if only to get it out of my head. I'll likely get the names spelled all wrong and maybe some of the details too but I'm going to do this anyway. Sorry in advance.

This is a movie you MUST see if you're a fan of character driven, action-packed zombie films (yes, they really do exist!). This is how horror films should be done, if you ask me. It's a South Korean film and has subtitles and the run time is just under two hours but don't let any of that put you off. This movie is spectacular. I'm not exaggerating. My husband who is not a horror fan by choice keeps bringing it up so I know it stuck with him too. It's currently running on Netflix. You really need to drop everything and go watch it. Seriously.

Just look at this trailer!

Seok-woo and his wife are separated and his wife has moved out. For her birthday his little girl Su-an only wishes to take the train to see her mother. She is a strong willed little kid and will do it alone if she has to! I really loved Su-an. She is adorable and has a fine backbone. Her dad is a workaholic businessman who misses all the important moments in her life but his latest and greatest mistake was to miss her recital. She's angry at him and he's a little miffed about the whole thing but decides to do the right thing and accompanies her on the train to mom's place thinking he'll be back to work in a few hours. They board the train together and then a zombie outbreak happens.

These zombies are fast and hungry and initially the people on the train are clueless as to what exactly is happening and they are all trapped in sections of the train as it speeds to its destination. This scenario is claustrophobic and completely terrifying.

The cast is filled out with a hoard of characters because the train is packed with people. As the movie progresses few of them remain human but those who do are really fleshed out into realistic people you will root for and, of course, there's one you will despise because there has to be at least one villain! I love that the movie took the time to develop its characters and was able to keep the action going. Many of the people start out as stereotypes but truly surprised me with their strength and humanity and bits of humor even as the terror brutalized them. 

This movie is violent and heartbreaking and one of the best I've ever seen.  It will probably leave you a weepy mess but it will also give you hope in some of humankind, at least, and I think we all need a little of that kind of hope right now. I had the ending spoiled for me by a bigmouth on a horror movie podcast (to which I've now unsubscribed) so do yourself a favor and go into this without reading any reviews other than mine, of course! Trust me, you do not want to spoil it for yourself.


  1. Mr. Barb and I watched this when it first came out - I think we actually paid to stream it then because I know it wasn't on Netflix. We LOVED it and everything you said about it is spot-on. Did you know they are making an English version of it? I wonder if it will be as good because I think it would be hard to match this one.

    1. I did not know that. I hope they don't screw it up :( But I'll likely see it anyway!

  2. My dad loves this film which wasn't a surprise as he loves asian action films and zombies! I don't generally watch foreign films with subtitles but I might get to this at some point.

    1. It was so good, Chuckles. You should really watch it!

  3. Oh YAY!!! I just blogged about this one. I LOVED it and yes, it's still with me a week later. I am NOT a crier but I cried with this one. It's just so brilliant about everything - gore, zombies, emotions - the acting was fantastic.

    Ok, I'll stop rambling now lol

    For What It's Worth

    1. You can ramble all you want here :) It made me cry too.

  4. Yes! This movie is so freaking good. I adored the couple that were expecting a baby.

    1. Me too. That guy was such a surprising character.

  5. "character driven, action-packed zombie films"

    YES, PLEASE. Thanks for writing the review.

    1. You are so very welcome. I hope you love it as much as we did!

  6. I finally watched this just last week and loved it like you. It reminded me of Dawn of the Dead (remake) but with more contortionist zombies and some World War Z imagery.


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