Horror Review: Bad Apples 2: Six Slices of Halloween Horror

Bad Apples 2: Six Slices of Halloween Horror
4 of 5 stars
This is gonna be short because I’m lazy.

Bad Apples 2 is another solid selection of little horror vignettes that every horror fan should read right about now.

Ed Lorn’s Halloweekend takes us to visit a haunted attraction whose owner has passed away. Now the attractions have no guidance and are left to fend for themselves and the results aren’t pretty, folks. Carnage ensues. Lots and lots of carnage. 4*

Candie Apple by Evans Light is a creepy and tragic tale about love and loss. I knew there was a reason I never had an urge to dip my face in a tub of apples (besides the left over spit and messed up makeup) . . . 4*

Jason Parent’s Dia De Los Muertos tells the tale of an AWOL soldier taking refuge in Mexico who is haunted by his memories. It’s surprising and brutal with a smothering atmosphere. Fantastic. 5*

Tommy Rotten by Adam Light should serve as a warning to stay away from haunted houses. It never ends well for the nosey parker’s. 4*

The One Night of the Year by Kealan Patrick Burke A lonely old man and his faithful dog await visitors from the cornfield. This one made me all sad and that’s quite a feat. 4 ½ *’s

Doctor Proclivity & Professor Propensity by Gregor Xane This is a weird one. It’s nearly time for the annual creepy ass puppet show. But the puppet show is nothing compared to what horrors hide behind the stage. Horrible, terrible, bizarro things happen there. Things not meant for the eyes of the general public. This one takes you on a strange and terrifying little journey that surprised and horrified me at every turn. 4 ½ stars

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