Gift from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh

Gift from the Sea, Memoir, 130 pgs
Over a quarter of a century after its first publication, the great and simple wisdom in this book continues to influence women's lives.

I found this audio in the bag I keep in the car. It's a nonfiction account of one woman’s ruminations on life while she escapes to a beach cottage for a few weeks. This was written in the 50's but much of it still feels eerily current and will resonate most with introverts.

The MP3 player in my car didn’t like the way this disc was formatted and played the tracks out of order so I can’t review this properly as it kept skipping around. If it weren’t so short (2 hrs or so) I would’ve thrown in the towel but it was short enough that I got the gist without getting too frustrated. I don't recommend reading it this way though :)

It’s basically about taking time outs from your life to find your “center”, living with less stuff and fewer distractions and experiencing relationships in the present rather than dwelling on how great they were in the past or worrying about what may happen in the future. All sound advice, if you ask me.

“One cannot collect all the beautiful shells on the beach. One can only collect a few. One moon shell is more impressive than three. There is only one moon in the sky.”

There are a lot of beautiful "quotables" in this book but I didn't take notes. This one struck a cord and stuck with me for obvious book related reasons ;)

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  1. Kudos to you for being able to finish it. That out of order stuff would have driven me crazy! That is a pretty awesome quote though!

    1. It did drive me a little crazy. One day I'll have to find a properly formatted version.

  2. Even for 2 hours I don't think I'd have the patience to listen to it out of order, Laurie! I agree with Barb, though, the quote about the moon shells is spot on!
    Have a wonderful Wednesday and happy reading :)
    Lexxie @ (un)Conventional Bookviews

    1. Yeah, I have to remember that quote when I want ALL the books :)

  3. This does sound like some good life advice. What is it about the ocean that helps us put our thoughts in order?

    1. I need some of that ocean wisdom right about now :)

  4. Oh man. Frustrating on the playback issues but sounds interesting overall!

    1. Yep, sooo annoying. I'll have to reread it one of these days.


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