2017 Horror Reading Challenge

Yeah, yeah so I know I said I was finished signing up for challenges but I LIE. I saw this over on the Scifi and Scary blog and figured I'd join since it seems doable and also a good way to weed out some of those ancient horror novels in my TBR dungeon.

Eeeeeeek! And that's only one shelf.

Anyway, it should coincide nicely with the Horror Aficionados Challenges I've signed up for over at Goodreads. Anyone want to join me?

Here are all the details:

2017 Horror Reading Challenge

First of all are the Challenge Badges, which you will win by completing the highest number of books for that level. I will list them below and they will be e-mailed to you at the conclusion of the challenge.


Neophyte of Coolthulhu’s Temple:  Read and review 1-7 horror books

Initiate of Coolthulhu’s Temple:     Read and review 8-15

Oracle of Coolthulhu’s Temple:       Read and review 20-25 horror books

MYSTERY BADGE     Read and review 50+ horror books

There Are Rules to This Game…

  • This challenge will run from Jan 1, 2017-December 31, 2017. (Yes, we’re back-dating it so horror books you’ve already read this year count.)
  • You can join at any time before August 1, 2017.
  • Books must be read and reviewed in 2017.
  • Audiobooks, re-reads, short stories, and cross-overs are fine.
  • You do not have to be a book blogger to participate! You can track your progress on Goodreads, Shelfari, Booklikes, etc.
  • Sign up on the designated link below with your post, shelf, etc. and leave a comment letting us know what your personal goal is.
  • Link up your reviews each month via the provided link. (We will be doing a monthly challenge update for everyone to list up on.)Come join the Coolthulhu Crew and see how brave you really are!
  • Use hashtag #CoolthulhuCrew on Twitter!
  • Remember, you do have to officially sign up before August 1, 2017 so link up below to sign up and enter the challenge.

Click HERE to go to the sign-up link @ Scifi and Scary.


  1. I'm so bad at remembering to link up reviews to online challenges and so on that I stopped doing these things! I'll be cheering you on and watching your progress!

    1. I'm terrible at these too but I will try to do better this year.

  2. Cool. I'm horrible at remembering to link up the reviews, so I try to limit my challenges, but I'll gladly take part in this and the GR challenge.

    1. They seem easy enough but I'll surely screw them up ;)

  3. Ohhh. Good luck with this one. I only have the guts for one or two a year. Lol.

  4. Yeah - good for you. Looks like we'll be having fun together. So glad you joined too!


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