TTT: 10 of My Most Special Books

Today's Top Ten Tuesday is a FREEBIE so I'm going to share some of my most memorable reads with you, those books that have stuck with me over my lifespan for one reason or another. As always, please feel free to share your thoughts on them in the comments.  If you haven't seen the feature before now it is hosted/created by The Broke and the Bookish. See upcoming topics and learn more HERE.

Clicking on a cover will whisk you away to my review either here or at Goodreads.

The Books That Scared People Away

These are the books that I read when I was far too young for them. In middle and high school I would read scary books to:  1.  Scare people away from talking to me (and, boy, did it ever work like a charm).  2. Make me feel  better about my crappy life.  3. Because I was a weird kid and I LOVED them,


The Books I Won't Ever Forget

Dark and beautiful reads that both haunted me and resonated with me on an emotional level for different reasons. Both books found me when I needed them most. I even wrote a fan letter to one of the authors and I never do things like that.

Drawing Blood by Poppy Z. Brite8087

The Book Attached to Memories

I read this TOME while nursing my first child. This was back before e-readers and it's a good thing I didn't drop it on his head! I will always remember and cherish those moments and whenever I see this book it reminds me of that special time that was over in a blink.


The One Every Pet Lover Should Read

I read this one as my first dog started to age and while I was doing foster work for a rescue. It's hard to read but I feel it's a must read for anyone considering purchasing a pet.


The One that Helped Me Find a Crazy New Sub-genre

This one, ah, this one maybe got me into monster-porn novels. It's brutal and it's lovely and I love it so, so very much.


The One That Is My Favorite

Whenever I'm asked what book is my favorite book of all-time this is the one that comes instantly to mind. It is the only book I've read three times. It is also the only book I've read more than once and never properly reviewed. I don't know if I can express my thoughts about it in a coherent way because I am so much in love with the writing. It's not an easy read and many people dislike it but, for me, everything about it was perfection.


The One that Renewed My Interest in Romance

I burned myself out on romances in the early 2000's after reading lots of fluff and stuff. This book reminded me of all the reasons I once loved the genre. It also skillfully showed me that romances can be dark and ugly and also painfully beautiful. This is probably my all-time favorite love story.


Thanks for reading my list and if you feel like sharing your favorite all-time read and the reason why it sticks with you, I'd love to hear it!


  1. I loved it when the local library let me take out some Stephen King books when I was a kid-with my dad's permission of course. I hoovered up horror books and I have some great Retro Reads in the genre coming this year! I'm still that weird kid! I only hang out with you guys online and my best friends are my books!

    1. I can't wait to read those retro reads of yours! Heh, I had to buy my own horror books at the local Osco drug with my allowance. I never did think of borrowing from the library back then. We were also a bus ride away so as a kid I wasn't able to get there on my own (and mom was not a reader).

  2. My favorite King book is The Shining with Salem's Lot a close second. Pet Sematary is a terrifying read though, that's for sure. I've seen some good reviews on Geek Love but have never picked it up. Also glad you didn't drop Outlander on your son's head, although that does sound like something a book lover would do!

    1. You must at least try Geek Love. You may love it too :)

  3. Oh, Bloodraven. I've heard good things about it, but I couldn't even get past the excerpt - way, way, WAY too brutal for me.

    I have fond memories of a few Stephen King books - Firestarter was the first book I ever secretly swiped from my parents' bookshelves. I've never read Pet Sematary, though. My mom had a copy, but it was in German, and my German reading skills just weren't good enough.

    Most of my all-time favorites are ones I first read in my teens. Arrows of the Queen by Mercedes Lackey and Dragonsinger by Anne McCaffrey are good examples. Fuyumi Ono's Sea of Wind is a slightly more recent favorite, and my newest favorites that I suspect I'll still love several years down the line are Anne Leckie's Ancillary Mercy and Katherine Addison's The Goblin Emperor.

    1. It's nice to be in the company of readers who also swiped books from their parents. When I was a kid, kids would swipe $ or perfume but I took the books :)

  4. I read "Pet Sematary" (I always have to check the spelling of that title twice XD) last year and it definitely had some creepy parts but for me the scariest Stephen King novel is still "The Shining" because somehow I find that one the most realistic.

    I'm always looking for creepy books, so thanks for your recommendations! :)

    1. Yeah, that title always messes me up too :) Thanks for visiting and I hope you find some good reads here.

  5. Nice eclectic list! Geek Love looks interesting and the Outlander books- they're so massive but they look like they'd be keepers. I can see why people love them so much even though I haven't read em. And they have the most evocative titles too, I've always thought!

    1. Honestly I never read past Outlander, ugh. I tried and tried to read the second one (Dragonfly?) and could not get into it no matter how much I wanted to. I might revisit the series on audio one of these days and see if I can get it read that way.

  6. Ha ha, I use to read serial killer books and horror books when I was probably to young to be reading them and I got told I was weird a time or two. :) Pet Semetary was my first SK book and I believe I was about 12 when I read it. :)

    1. Ahhh, nice to meet a fellow weird kid. My sister and I were the only weird kids we knew way back when :)

  7. I loved V.C. Andrews! I really want to go back and re-read some of her books. How is it that I have never heard of Geek Love? I must go and check that book out right away!

    1. Just don't read the newer VC Andrews. I tried a few years back and it was a disgusting trainwreck (I'm not kidding about the disgusting bit - men were peeing in diapers!)

      I hope you enjoy Geek Love if you get a chance to read it.

  8. Oh, yes! I was 11 or 12 when I read Pet Sematary. I loved reading all things scary. I remember the night I plucked Flowers in the Attic off of my grandma's bookshelf. O_O

    1. So funny that your grandma had Flowers in the Attic on her bookshelf :) My grandma's weren't readers so I had to swipe my books from my dad or a friend in school.

  9. I liked Flower's In The Attic and the rest of the books in the series too!

    Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

    1. That was such a great series! They don't write them like that anymore, lol.

  10. Awesome set of books you got there! I was also creeped out by Pet Sementary. Man, that scene with the child...

    Here’s my TTT!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Yes,that scene still haunts me and it's been DECADES!

  11. I like how you laid these out!! I need to check out Geek Love and Lost and Found. Great list!

  12. Ahhh those first three. I think they'd be too much for me now! lol

    1. Hee, hee whatever you do, stay away from Bloodraven!

  13. I love that you purposely read books to scare people away lol. But see, I read Flowers in the Attic in 7th grade, and it didn't scare anyone away, but it did basically scar me for life, haha.

    I really want to read Bloodraven! But last time I checked, it wasn't available on Amazon, and it was really expensive on the publisher site or wherever it was sold :-/

    That cover for Addicted is beautiful!

    1. Yeah, Bloodraven is a little pricey. I bought it at Smashwords during a sale. Right now it's $8.99 for the ebook which is a bit much for an ebook :(


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