State of the Slump

I clearly haven't made the wisest of choices in the new year.  

Yes, that there is three collections of pretty much back to back short horror fiction. Some of it good but most of it meh. That was not a good idea. Now I find myself in somewhat of a reading slump. Instead of reading in my free time, I'm watching the news just like this.

My angry scarf is growing and growing.

I know this is not helping my sanity and I don't know if I want to wear a scarf created in anger! Would you want to wear a scarf knowing it was created by grumpy hands?! Perhaps I'll pawn it off on someone who is entirely too happy. The news is scary. It is infuriating. I feel helpless. But I cannot turn it off! 

So, if you're wondering why I'm quieter lately this is likely the reason. Feel free to send help. Or chocolate.


  1. Even though that might not have been the best choice, I hope that you find a really great book soon. Maybe read something from a favorite series to jump start some good reading. :) That is what I had to do when I was feeling like I was headed to a slump earlier last month.

    I am curious to see your grumpy scarf. :)

    1. Thanks, Stormi. I'm reading one now that is a lot of fun and spent the weekend avoiding the news. I'm starting to feel a little better already.

  2. Ok, call me weird (seriously, it's OK because I am) but I think it's only fitting that you have a scary scarf which resulted due to a slump brought on by some scary and not-so-scary titles. It's kind of fitting. As for slumps - they suck. I think you should pick up Step Dog. The dog is adorable and you can channel some of your anger toward the boyfriend in it. The dog is ADORABLE to boot!

  3. Trying a different genre might help. Honestly, i've been feeling it. Most of the books I've read and reviewed lately were not satisfying. I'm still trying to find the one, you know, the "OMG, this is amazing" kind of book. Hope you find a really great book soon.

    1. Good idea. I definitely read too much of the same. I hope you find your amazing book soon :)

  4. Maybe it's time to re-read an old favorite? My daughter is always working on a scarf...I hope she isn't secretly angry about something.

    1. lol, at least she's getting her anger out in a safe way, if that's the case ;)

  5. Gah! Slumps are the worst! I always read a go-to author or re-read a favorite to pull me out. I hope you figure out something soon. But hey, at least you're going to have a great scarf! ;)

    1. My current read is a different genre and I think that's just what I needed.

  6. Poor Gromit! He looks pretty upset there! And poor Bark! Reading slumps are horrible and a fun reread usually gets me back on track. Fingers crossed you get something decent soon!

    1. Thanks, Chuckles. Things are looking a little better this week :)

  7. :( The book funk. But hey, that's a great scarf. I'd wear that grumpy scarf.

    1. Thanks, Jennifer. At least I'll get something good out of this ;)

  8. Life is better when you realize the news is mostly exaggeration and no longer news but drama made to get people to watch. There's very few actual "news" stations I believe anymore.

    And gah on the reading slump. Hate when I get so many meh in a row.

    1. True, Anna. I've shut off the news from all media sources and am feeling better about the world already.


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