Got My Eye On (14)

I saw a post over at Mailbox Monday that was encouraging readers to share their best finds of the week via their Books That Caught Our Eye posts. I love, love, love that idea so this is my warped version of it.

Here are the books I've added to my wishlist recently with credit to my enablers :)

6611074Master of None by Sonya Bateman (Book #1)


Gavyn Donatti is the world's unluckiest thief. Just ask all the partners he's lost over the years. And when he misplaces an irreplaceable item he was hired to steal for his ruthless employer, Trevor—well, his latest bungle just might be his last. But then his luck finally turns: right when Trevor's thugs have him cornered, a djinn, otherwise known as a genie, appears to save him.

Unfortunately, this genie—who goes by the very non-magical name of "Ian"—is more Hellboy than dream girl. An overgrown and extremely surly man who seems to hate Donatti on the spot, he may call Donatti master, but he isn't interested in granting three wishes. He informs Donatti that he is bound to help the thief fulfill his life's purpose, and then he will be free. The problem is that neither Donatti nor Ian has any idea what exactly that purpose is.

At first Donatti's too concerned with his own survival to look a gift genie in the mouth, but when his ex-girlfriend Jazz and her young son get drawn into the crossfire, the stakes skyrocket. And when Ian reveals that he has an agenda of his own—with both Donatti and the murderous Trevor at the center of it—Donatti will have to become the man he never knew he could be, or the entire world could pay the price. . . .
"This was a really good urban fantasy adventure with action, humour and a series of great characters." Chuckles Book Cave
Chuckle's does such a good job at tempting me into starting series books, even when I know that I'll never see them through!

72 Hours by Bella Jewel

It’s all part of his sick game. A game he’s been planning for an entire decade. Now everything is perfect: One woman and one man have been selected. They used to be a couple—and they can no longer stand one another. They are the perfect victims. He doesn’t intend for the game to be easy. He wants to push them to the brink of insanity, to make his hunt real. . .

The couple has been captured and dumped into a massive wooded area. There’s only one rule in this fatal game: They will have 72 hours to find a way out before the sadistic serial killer begins his hunt . . .But what he never could have expected was the explosive passion that ignites between the two ex-lovers—one that makes them strong. Fierce. And determined to do whatever it takes to escape—and to survive. . . 
"Lara and Noah wake up and find themselves in the woods and learn that they have 72 hours before they are hunted." Carol's Random Life In Books

Sparrow Man by [Pritchard, M. R.]Sparrow Man by M.R. Pritchard

Meg Clark has turned out to be everything her father and the people of her little North Country town of Gouvernour, NY, have been saying her whole life: nothin’ but a piece of white trash. In an effort to hide her past and turn herself around, she spent her inheritance from her dead mother on the perfect little house with a white picket fence. Then something terrible happened and Meg got sent to county lockup so her fiancé, Jim, wouldn’t have to. And then everyone started waking up…dead. 

Good thing escaping from County wasn’t hard. Jim told her exactly how to get free. Now Meg is running and the walking dead are following. In a last ditch effort to find weapons to protect herself, Meg finds Sparrow instead. A tall, strange man with a quirk, Sparrow has an obsession with feathers and the only goal that’s on his mind is finding an old barn on Route 37 with a snowy owl in its rafters. 

Meg’s headed to Kingston, where she and Jim agreed to meet if they ever got separated. But sometimes, crossing the border brings more than just freedom and protection and safety. Sometimes it brings questions that someone like Meg would prefer not to answer. And everyone keeps asking questions, including Sparrow. He thinks she’s hiding something and he’s not impressed by her stories of the sins she’s been committing all her life. While Sparrow’s the one who’s a bit cracked in the head, it never occurs to Meg that she could be the one who’s not remembering something. Like what really happened that day she killed those seven men.
Sparrow’s quirkiness was endearing, Meg’s growth from her painful past made me sympathize with her, and the way they were getting to know each other, depending on each other, and caring about each other was fantastic. Kristen  @ Metaphor's & Moonlight
Kristen recently reviewed book #2 in this series and made it sound quirky and wonderful. I must have it now - even if it is another series!

Thanks everyone! I am so excited to see what goodies I'll discover this week!

Find something irresistible during your blog perusals this week? Please share!


  1. Chuckles does have quite that ability. I have owned that book for years but after seeing her post, had to dig it out and place it closer to the top. It does sound pretty awesome.

  2. I'm bad, what can I say! *giggles* Don't worry, there are only two novels and a short story in this series so far!

  3. Carole made me want to read 72 Hours as well. I hadn't heard of it before her!!!

  4. I've found good books by visiting all of these blogs. And each of these books look worth a look at. Chuckles usually fills my need for horror and thrillers, which are my favorite genres.

  5. I just found out like last week that Sparrow Man Book 3 came out and I'm dying to read it but am swamped with review copies! Gah! Lol but I'm glad you're interested :-) I didn't see that review on Chuckle's blog, but that book sounds super interesting, so I'm definitely gonna go check it out!

    1. I made the mistake of visiting Netgalley and suddenly have ten books in the review queue so I hear ya. One of these years I will actually read strictly from my own tbr. Apparently that year is not 2017!

  6. Ooh thanks for sharing these! 72 Hours is definitely one I want to look into.

  7. Thanks for the mention! Chuckles made me want to read Master of None as well. It looks so good!

  8. Curious about 72 Hours, too! Thanks to Carole. Lol.


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