It's Almost Friday! Awesome Author Alert

How has your week been? Mine's been filled with lovely book surprises like this one in from author Megan Hart. I received an ARC for her latest book from Netgalley and they only sent me a partial book. What is up with that? So I did what I do and I wrote up a complainy review for the partial book at GR. Megan Hart saw it, sent me a note via Twitter asking me if I'd like to read the whole thing and then she went and sent me all of the below books. How amazingly gracious is she? Especially considering the fact that my review wasn't so great. Look at all this goodness? I cannot wait to dig in after I finish up my review commitments. Where should I start? 

I  won a GR Giveaway!  It's been YEARS! I didn't think winners still existed but they DO :)  Here's the proof:

Patrick Takes A Cue from My Latest Book Title


And My Latest Audio in for Review Goes Out & About

Has an author ever surprised you in a good way? Please share. We usually only hear about the awful.  Have a great rest of the week and I hope you all find some great books!


  1. Wow that is awesome of her to send all those books!! I recently won my first Goodreads giveaway and I totally thought it was fake that there weren't winners. I fully expect to not win again lol! Have a great weekend!

    1. Congrats! When I first signed on to GR and entered those giveaways I had the best of luck and won quite a few but it has been ages.

  2. That's so awesome! I love your cat's um, enthusiasm to read Hell Cat of the Holt, lol.
    And of course the doggy pic was my favorite :). Have a great weekend!

    1. Thanks, Whiskey. Buddy wasn't really impressed with Emphatic but Patrick sure dug into Hellcat ;)

  3. That is so awesome. I hope you have a great time with your new books.

    1. Thanks, Nadene. It was such a unexpected surprise.

  4. Now that is a really awesome author! I did have an author send me a book once but I still haven't read it. I have won a bunch of GR giveaways but nothing lately. Of course, I still need to read most of the books that I have won. I have won a lot of books on LibraryThing and continue to win pretty consistently. You may want to check out their giveaways :)

    1. I've never been over to LibraryThing but you are tempting me. I'm a little over extended with my social media haunts and almost afraid to check it out.

  5. Ooh nice! Always good to receive a stack of books! And yes I have had an author surprise me once or twice - it's always a great feeling. :)

  6. The author of Zombie Crusade saw I had reviewed a short story in the series and sent me FOUR paperbacks of the first three books in the series and the full anthology, all across the water to the UK! That was pretty exciting! I do love an author surprise!

  7. Oh wow! That was really nice of her. That's crazy they only gave half the book via Netgalley. That would make me grumble, too. Happy reading this week!

    1. Seriously sweet, right? I will always remember her thoughtfulness. Yeah, neither of us understood why NG only sent out a partial book.

  8. That's awesome of Megan!

    I can't let my cat see this post. He drools all over my Kindle - I can't let him find out about biting lol

    For What It's Worth

    1. Hee, hee. I guess they are tasty! But that beast of mine will try to eat anything.


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