Can't Wait Wednesday: Lady Castle by Delilah Dawson

Can't-Wait Wednesday is a weekly meme at Wishful Endings to spotlight and discuss the books we're excited about that we have yet to read. Generally they're books that have yet to be released. It's based on Waiting on Wednesday, hosted by the fabulous Jill at Breaking the Spine.

To find out more about linking in visit the Can't-Wait Wednesday page at Wishful Endings here.


Lady Castle by Delilah S. Dawson
Scheduled Release: October 24, 2017
Amazon ♦ Goodreads

When the King and all the men of the castle die, it’s time for the women to knight up.

When King Mancastle and his mighty vassals ride off on a crusade, the women left behind are not at all put out—that’s a lot less armor polishing to do. Of course, when the men get themselves eaten by a dragon and leave a curse that attracts monsters to the castle . . . well, the women take umbrage with that.

Now, Merinor, the blacksmith’s wife is King, Princess Aeve is the Captain, and the only remaining (and least capable) knight, Sir Riddick, is tasked with teaching the ladies of the castle how to fight, defend, build, and do all manner of noisy things the men had done while the women assumed they were just drunk.

Novelist Delilah S. Dawson (Star Wars: The Perfect Weapon, As Wicked as She Wants) brings her first original series to the graphic novel world, and is joined by breakthrough illustrator Ashley A. Woods (Niobe: She Is Life) for a rollicking fantasy adventure in Ladycastle.

Does this not sound hilarious? It looks like it's a graphic novel (I hope we get to see the men eaten by a dragon!) that contains 4 issues. I cannot wait! 

What book are you most excited about this week?


  1. I've not seen this and yes, it looks awesome. It's going on the wishlist. Can't wait to see what monsters are attracted to the castle and how the women handle it!

  2. It does sound fun. And did someone say dragons?!!

  3. This one does sound hilarious! I'm not a huge graphic novel reader, but I'd read this one. :D

  4. This sounds awesome! I do hope they show the dragon eating all of the men :)

  5. Yes, yes, 100 times yes this sounds amazing! Thanks for putting it on my radar!

    My CWW:

  6. Dragons eating people is always perfectly acceptable!


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