Hide A Book Day Is Nearly Here!

So Goodreads is designating a day where all and sundry can become a book fairy! Click on the pic above to find out more.

Or, if you're a real book geek like myself it can be hide a book day every day by joining and participating in Bookcrossing.com. I'm doing both. How about you?!

My most recent stealth drop:


  1. It's been a while since I was on bookcrossing. I just run out of time each day!

    1. I know, I dropped out for a bit too. I try to keep a labelled bag of books in the car and that seems to keep me motivated. The site hasn't changed at all in years.

  2. Replies
    1. It's a sweet little thing to do.I always fear for my books though! The hardest part is letting them go. But better out in the wild than collecting dust in my house :)

  3. That is a cool concept! I'll have to try and think of a good spot to leave one of my favorite books on the 18th. Great post! :)

  4. I saw this on Goodreads! Bookcrossing is new to me though. This is such a great idea!

    1. I hope it catches on! I feel like the only weirdo in my town who randomly leaves books laying around :)

  5. I love that you are doing this. I was a big fan of bookcrossing back in the day. I'm glad to see a revival of sorts!

    1. I was an avid bookcrosser for years but slowed down for a few years. Now that my town and surrounding town has installed quite a few Little Libraries it's reinvigorated me :) I wish bookcrossing had caught fire but so many people just don't seem interested in logging books or even reading them.


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