Between Naps: January 28 Edition

Between naps is a little recap of what we were up to last week and what's coming up soon(ish).

Last Week on the Blog:

Nothing But Reviews:
♥  All the Best People by Sonja Yoerg
♥  Emphatic by Kaylee Ryan 
♥  The Doll House by Phoebe Morgan 
♥  Halloween Carnival Vol. 1 
♥  Smoke Gets in Your Eyes by Caitlin Doughty 

It was a bit of a boring week on the blog as I tried to catch up on review posting and was too drained to compose anything else. I still have quite the backlog too but that's what happens when you're lazy!

What We've Been Up To 

Nothing exciting. Sleeping, exercising (doing 80dayobsession and it's kicking my bum), cooking, working and reading a page or two when I can steal a minute. The internets have been very quiet and relatively peaceful this week, or have I missed all the gossip? 

Link Ups

I'm keeping it simple from here on out and am only linking this post up to Caffeinated Reviewer's Sunday Post

Books Bought

I broke my one week no-buy streak and bought some books even though I don't need them. I'm sure you can all understand.

Deadlines (Deadlines Mysteries Book 1) by [Chafer, Camilla]    A Family of Violence by [Athan, Jon]    The Andrew Mayhem Collection 4-Book Bundle by [Strand, Jeff]

I blame my RL reading friend for #1. Monday night she says to me, "it's free and it's really cute!" Well, that started me on a,  "oh what the hell" mini-spree. #2 was a freebie. The Jeff Strand book is a compilation of a series I've been meaning to finish for years. I've looked everywhere for the paperbacks and have had zero luck. So, Kindle app reading it is.

I also found myself with $10 more a week in my paycheck and succumbed to subbing to The Nocturnal Reader's Box. I don't do boxes but this one is calling to me and my friends keep talking about it and I totally feel like I'm missing out. I'm hoping it will fill the void that the Dorchester Horror Bookclub left behind when they closed up shop many moons ago.

Now Reading

I'm getting back to my horror roots and reading these two this week. We have discussion posts set up at Horror Aficionados over at Goodreads, if anyone is interested. The proceeds for Splatterpunk all go to fighting cancer which is sadly timely as horror author Jack Ketchum passed away this week after a battle with cancer.

What's Distracting Me?

My new exercise program has me falling asleep at 9 pm so I haven't had the energy for any distractions. I read a page and I'm out cold. I haven't even had a chance to watch the new  X-Files & Riverdale episodes this week!

What's Next?

I will pick a book for Barb's challenge today!

Other than that, I haven't a clue what I'm doing next week. I'm winging it this year.

What have you all been up to and do you subscribe to any bookish boxes?!


  1. Oh I have seen 80 Day Obsession on my FB feed a lot. I will have to look into that! I can imagine it takes a lot out of you! Enjoy your new books and have a great week!

    1. Thanks, Grace. The workouts are soooo long! My body is not happy with me right now.

  2. I'm so far behind in Riverdale! I hope my DVR still has them all... Let me know how you like Nocturnal Readers Box. That is one subscription service I would actually consider if my kids were sucking up all my money. ;)

    1. Kids have a way doing that. Mine are pretty good at it too! I'll do a post when my box arrives in February and let you know if it's worth the cash.

    2. I saw the March box will include a Ketchum item. They know how to make you want those boxes.

  3. Oh, I missed that part where you said your workout was 80 Day Obsession. Do you love it? I've done several Beachbody workouts over the years, and I've been sooo curious about 80 Day Obsession. Do you get it as part of Beachbody on Demand or do you have to have BoD *and* 80 Day Obsession? I've been confused! :/

    1. Oh My God, so much pain. The workouts are 60 minutes long and I was all cozy in my 30 minute yoga niche. It's cardio, weights, push-ups, resistance and it goes on forever but I feel stronger already! If you're used to BB workouts you'll love it. I started out with one week of A Little Obsessed but probably should've done it for at least two, maybe three. I had to modify quite a bit when my form started to go in week 1 and I was scared to death of hurting my back. I have BOD on demand. It is so worth it for us. It includes their entire library, all the bonus videos and access to every nutrition plan. I am not using Shakeology nor am I using the two performance drinks they recommend for 80 day because they are ridiculously expensive. I also work out on an empty stomach which is not encouraged but it's working for me.

    2. 80 Day Obsession is included with BOD. Four of use different programs so it works out for us.

    3. *us use

      Some day I will learn to proofread before hitting publish ;)

    4. I'm going to sign up for BOD this week. I will probably do the Little Obsessed for a while. :) There's no way I'm going to pay for shakeology, etc! I guess I will need to buy the bands/plates they are using for 80 day, though? I don't think I have anything I can substitute for those.

  4. Quiet weeks are good sometimes. Hope the Nocturnal Reader's Box is good!

    Riverdale... this weeks episode was very interesting! Love that show even when they do dumb things ha ha.

    1. I finally saw it last night. That show is NUTS and I love it.

  5. It's been a peaceful week for me too. I hope you enjoy all your books!

    Here’s my Sunday Post!

    Ronyell @ Rabbit Ears Book Blog

    1. Thanks, Ronyell. Peaceful is certainly better than crazy!

  6. Got some good creepy reads, I see. It seems like everyone is having some quiet weeks. Probably all thawing out after the frigid weather. I'm working on my Puppy Love Challenge post now. Got some good ones to share.

  7. My book OCD won't let me post the sign up for Barb's challenge until February 1st but it's all ready to go! I hadn't heard about Jack Ketchum...I really liked Off Season as far as horror novels go.

    1. Sorry to have been the one to break the bad news. I saw it first on Twitter.

  8. What does need have to do with it? I have gotten Nocturnal Reader's Box for the past 6 month and love it. I feel you actually get your money's worth and find books for it that sound great but are the books everyone else is sending. I hope you love it!

  9. Glad to hear I am not the only one that has been a bit quiet lately.
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

    1. Nope, this week will be much of the same but I'll take it over madness any day!

  10. I haven't seen any online drama but that could be because I've unfollowed or muted everyone lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  11. Quiet weeks are my favorite kind of week. I probably couldn't move if I started to work out again for real. I am sore from moving a few pieces of furniture and boxes with my husband over the weekend. Enjoy your new books!

    1. I was so sore for a few days that I couldn't even bend over but it's getting better.


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