Release Day Review: The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen

I everything about this one and I don't care what anyone else says. It's getting 5 stars from me.

The Wife Between Us by Greer Hendricks & Sarah Pekkanen
Released January 2018
Amazon ♦ Goodreads
When you read this book, you will make many assumptions.

You will assume you are reading about a jealous ex-wife.

You will assume she is obsessed with her replacement – a beautiful, younger woman who is about to marry the man they both love. 

You will assume you know the anatomy of this tangled love triangle.
Assume nothing.

Twisted and deliciously chilling, Greer Hendricks and Sarah Pekkanen's The Wife Between Us exposes the secret complexities of an enviable marriage - and the dangerous truths we ignore in the name of love.

Read between the lies.

“Even when I’m not there, I’m always with you.”

Ladies and gents, if a lover ever says this to you, this lover is CREEPY and you should take it as a warning, not as a sweet nothing.

So, I read an excerpt of this book over at Bookishfirst when they were first launching the site and reviewed the excerpt in order to be placed in a raffle for the actual book. Strange way to get a book, right? I’m not a fan of reading excerpts because I’m greedy and I want the whole book but I’m also nosey and wanted to see how this program worked and it really only took a few minutes. Fortunately for me, it worked out pretty good as I “won” a copy of the ARC and they sent me a really nice hold in your hands ARC. Patrick was so thrilled!

And the story turned out to be pretty damn good. It’s twisty and turny and I did not actively dislike the main character when I fully expected to.

When we begin Vanessa is a mess on par with the level of that mess of a woman from The Girl On The Train but Vanessa is intriguing. She’s lost it all; the outwardly perfect hubby, the extravagant house and lifestyle, all of her friends but mostly she’s lost herself. She drinks too much, she looks and feels terrible and she is working a retail job she does not love. She lets out enough little tidbits that you know she is hiding a lot of somethings and I was dying to know what all of those somethings were. She starts to truly lose it when she learns that her ex-hubby is engaged to a much younger version of herself. Nellie is beautiful, sweet and she works with children. Vanessa cannot allow this to happen!

This book had me glued to its pages whenever I could sneak away with it. Since I was reading a paper ARC, I could only read it late at night after tucking myself away for the day. This also means I usually fell asleep after a few pages and it took me ages to finish it.

Anyway, I love me nothing better than a good, juicy marriage/ love story with secrets and surprises simmering in every crevice and this book overflowith with them. It was joyous for me to read about people in so much misery and made me realize that perhaps my slump wasn’t me and my crabby mood at all but the fault of the books I was trying to read.

My best advice on this one is to go into this book ice cold. Do NOT read reviews (besides this one, ha, because it’s too late for you) because this is a book that you do not want to spoil for yourself. It’s one with twists and turns that slowly reveal themselves and to know too much will ruin it all for you.

I truly enjoyed this book and really dug the female leads and the way their story was revealed in bits and pieces. I was in a high state of anxiety as I read it, dying to learn all of the secrets and also dreading what might be revealed. I thought the characterization was exquisite and if I had one complaint it would only be that the book took things maybe one twist too far. Even so, everything tied in together perfectly and I didn’t feel like a dummy left wondering what I had just read.

I hope this book makes a big splash. It deserves it!

Here's Some Other Books Featuring People Doing Miserable Things to Each Other 
(click cover to visit my review)

The Girl on the Train


  1. Oh man, I tried getting an arc for this, but I had no luck. I hope to get a copy soon. You make it sound so good.

    1. I really did love everything about it. The women never irritated me which is a rarity. I hope you're able to grab a copy soon.

  2. I think I'll take your advice and go into this cold. It might be hard though because there are reviews EVERYWHERE. Glad you enjoyed this.

    1. Don't read them!! Click, click away as if your life depended on it.

  3. I won a book from Bookishfirst as well. I'm still not too sure about their program - it seems like they have limited books available - but I also won a book, The Immortalists, which I plan to read this month. Glad you loved this one!

    1. Yeah, it seems like it's almost still in the beta stages. They've emailed me twice to submit the review for this book to "earn points" and I did it weeks ago but I do love that they send a "real" book. I hope you enjoy The Immortalists!

  4. Hey, your first 5-star read of 2018! That's getting off to a good start. :D

  5. Yay for 5 stars!! I was excited for this one before but really pumped now. Great review!

    1. I hope you enjoy it as much as I did when you get a chance to read it.

  6. Congrats on winning this one! I wish I had liked this one as much as you did. I wanted to like it but just thought it was okay in the end.

    1. Thanks, Carole. Tons of people in the NG group were iffy on it so you're not alone :) I often have contrary taste.

  7. I have been curious about this one so I might put this on my library wishlist. :)

  8. Yay! I wanted so much for this one to be good! :) It sounded so good, but I feel like I keep getting burned by psychological thrillers. I will have to give it a read now.

    1. I didn't hate the women and I usually do in these sorts of books so that's a bonus. I hope you get to read it.

  9. Okay, no way can I pass this up now!

  10. not a fan of drinking woman. It is too cliche and two no matter how it goes, that girl's pegged as an unreliable narrator. so ... ruined

    1. Yeah, it's a bit overdone, to say the least! But I enjoyed this one surprisingly! Thanks for visiting :)

  11. I so want to read this! Soon...

    1. I hope you're able to get to it. I know how that is!

    2. The picture of your cat looks like he had already read the book! You had such a succinct synopsis of the book too. I didn't recreate anything that was happening just in case I gave something away! Well done! I haven't read Girl on the Train. I keep looking at it but I don't know..

    3. This was a tough one to review due to the plot and I've seen sooo many spoilery reviews that it breaks my heart a little. I liked Girl on the Train back when I read it. It wasn't awful :)


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