They Call It Puppy Love Reading Challenge (go sign up!)

Barb over at Booker T's Farm is hosting a fuzzy little challenge for the month of February.

It's the "They Call It Puppy Love" challenge and the rules are as follows:
  • Make a sign up post and link it to Barb's sign-up post.
  • Read at least one book which: has a dog (or cat) on the cover or features a dog (or cat) in it.
  • Do a wrap up post at the end of February with links to your review(s).
  • At the end of the month, she will put all the participants in a bowl and Booker T will pick a lucky winner.  That person will receive a $10.00 gift certificate to Amazon or Book Depository.
This is my pick. I bought it used somewhere and it's been sitting in my tbr pile next to the bed forever.

Doesn't Bailey look thrilled?! He is such a crabby middle aged man, lol. I absolutely cannot wait until he is a crabby old man!

The contest is open to everyone. So sign up! I want to see all those cute covers :)


  1. My post will be up tomorrow! Your dog looks how I feel today!

    1. I hope you're feeling more upbeat soon. Bailey is always like this! He only perks up for his BarkBox, treats, walks and rides in the car. Grumpiest dog I've ever known. But I love him, anyway.

  2. Awesome book pick and even better dog pic. I read that book some time ago and really loved it. I think you'll enjoy it and if you enjoy it, there's a sequel as well.

    1. I do believe you are the reason I bought it at the UBS! I can't wait to finally get going on it.

  3. My oldest dog (14) has turned into such a cranky old guy lol He used to be so happy! Now he's a curmudgeon.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Ha, Bailey was born a curmudgeon. He's going to be something else when he's older! My previous dogs (1 lab, 2 goldens) all remained eternal puppies but Bailey is a different creature entirely.

  4. I just signed up for this one. I might actually have a copy of this book on my kindle. Bailey is such a sweetie :)

  5. I can't wait to get started tomorrow. The books I chose are calling out to me! Bailey looks adorable. Has the same look that my dog gives me. LOL

    1. That's the, "Why can't you ever let me alone?" look of pain on his face ;) The rest of my shots were of him trying to eat the book.


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