Tackling The TBR In 2018: The February Winner Is

Michelle @ Because Reading created and hosts the meme so if you want to join in you can check out the rules here.

I was supposed to do this on Saturday but then again I was supposed to do a lot of things I didn't do on Saturday. Sorry about that. I tend to go off the grid on the weekends.

Here are the three random books I grabbed from one of my piles.

And the winner is . . .


With The Man Who Killed Boys hot on its heels! Sound like two perfect reads for the month of love!  This meme was a fun one, as always.

The review for this book will (hopefully!) be up on February 24th but I can't make any promises as I have two to finish up first and I'm a slowpoke ;)

Thank you so much voting everyone!

The Rules If You'd Like to Join Next Month

The first Saturday is the 3rd – your post goes up with 3 books you choose. Link it to the linky on Because Reading. Their post will go up at 5am est.  Link back to them on your post to have your followers visit other people’s blogs to help vote if they want.

The second Saturday is the 10th – announce the winning book. Because Reading will have a linky, so we can all easily see what everyone will be reading.
The third Saturday is the 17th– keep reading if you're a slowpoke like me! If there are only 3 Saturday's in a month that review should be done now (ugh!)

The fourth (and last) Saturday is the 24th– your review goes up even if you DNF'd the thing. You can do a giveaway if you're ambitious. Because Reading typically does one. The review post at Because Reading has a linky on it so we can check out each others reviews and make some new friends.


  1. Hope you enjoy your pick! btw - I've been loving your IG pics :-)

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Thanks, Karen. It's fun doing them. I don't think I quite have IG figured out yet but I'll keep trying.

  2. I'll be interested to see what you think of this one; I read it two years ago and didn't love it, but didn't hate it either. :)

  3. How awesome - just the one I voted for!

  4. Oh I hope you enjoy it as it's the one I voted for! :)

    1. Thanks, Stormi. I've had it forever and am glad I've finally been nudged to read it :)

  5. I read it years ago but I can't remember what I thought of it. There are several movies too.

    1. I'll have to check those out after I get the book read.

  6. I can't wait to read your review for it! :D

  7. There wouldn't be any point in me asking people to vote on my next read as most people haven't heard of any of them! And I'd probably change my mind about the choices I listed by the time the voting was done! But I might try it at some point just for fun!

    1. I'm like that too but this will force to me to actually read something from my tbr for a change. Otherwise I tend to ignore them :(

  8. I loved it. I just saw an episode about it on ID TV. Hope it's a good fit for you.
    sherry @ fundinmental

    1. Thanks, Sherry. I have a feeling I'll enjoy it. I love the ID channel too :)


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