Tackling the TBR List in 2018: Time to Vote!

I tried this meme last year and though it was incredibly fun I never revisited it because I spent the rest of the year breaking my promises to myself and reading ARC's and review copies instead of my TBR pile.I hope to change it this year and read at least one book a month from the TBR stacks.

Michelle @ Because Reading created and hosts the meme.

Here they are, three actual books randomly plucked from one of my piles. Perfect for the Valentines season, right?!  Please feel free to let me know if any of these are not worth reading! I am determined to learn how to DNF properly.

The Books


I actually picked these out for a Twitter post in January and meant to do the meme then because the Twitter-verse wasn't interested in my tbr pile. I did have one vote for Blood Rubies & In Cold Blood. 

Click Cover for More About the Books

https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/168642.In_Cold_Blood?from_search=true    https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/460419.The_Man_Who_Killed_Boys?from_search=true    https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/2549327.Blood_Rubies?from_search=true
     4.12 Rating on GR                      3.83 Rating on GR                        3.6 Rating on GR

Cast Your Vote!

Create your own user feedback survey
The Rules If You'd Like to Join

The first Saturday is the 3rd – your post goes up with 3 books you choose. Link it to the linky on Because Reading. Their post will go up at 5am est.  Link back to them on your post to have your followers visit other people’s blogs to help vote if they want.

The second Saturday is the 10th – announce the winning book. Because Reading will have a linky, so we can all easily see what everyone will be reading.
The third Saturday is the 17th– keep reading if you're a slowpoke like me! If there are only 3 Saturday's in a month that review should be done now (ugh!)

The fourth (and last) Saturday is the 24th– your review goes up even if you DNF'd the thing. You can do a giveaway if you're ambitious. Because Reading typically does one. The review post at Because Reading has a linky on it so we can check out each others reviews and make some new friends.


  1. I went In Cold Blood - swayed by the GR rating!

  2. I like your thinking-who needs romance when you can have some lovely horror instead!

  3. The cover for Blood Rubies is so cheesy. You gotta go with that one. lol.

  4. In Cold Blood because I've been wanting to read that one, too! This is a fun meme.

  5. These all sound good, but I voted for In Cold Blood. I still haven't read that one myself. I hope you enjoy the book that gets picked! :)

    1. Thanks for your vote! I've had that one forever. Hell, who am I kidding? I've had all of them forever ;)

  6. Can't wait to see which book wins! :)

    1. Whatever it is, it will not be at all romantic ;)

  7. I went with In Cold Blood because I have always wanted to read it but just never did. I am curious if the goodreads rating is accurate. :)

  8. I said The Man Who Killed Boys!

    1. That one looks so brutal. I cannot wait to read it!

  9. Yes, who needs romance in February - blood is red right?

    1. So true, Barb. I like romance but am not feeling it lately.

  10. I voted for In Cold Blood. It sounds really interesting and I hope you enjoy whichever one wins!

    Tina @ As Told By Tina

  11. I voted for In Cold Blood, the Goodreads rating swayed me. Hope you enjoy the winning book!

  12. I have only read one of the three --In Cold Blood, which I loved. I highly recommend it! I hope you enjoy whichever wins. Have a great weekend!


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