It's Friday Reads Time! What are you all up to?
#Fridayreads is here! This week has been crap for reading time but I hope to make up for that this weekend. #AmReading PROVIDENCE by @CarolineKepnes , starting THE SEA WAS A FAIR MASTER BY @CalvinDemmer & listening to THE HORROR SHOW @thehorrorshowBK . Happy reading/listening! — barksbknonsense (@barksbknonsense) June 29, 2018 This has an been absolutely dreadful week when it came to sneaking in any reading time. Work stress is killing me and I haven't been able to concentrate or get very much sleep but I'm leaving all of that crap behind soon and reading to my hearts content. It's going to be 100 this weekend so I plan to camp out in front of a fan and only move when I'm forced to! Talk to me at Twitter and/or Instagram as I'm also leaving the laptop closed :)