Servant of the Undead by Isabelle Drake

Zombies Need A Little Love Too . . .

Servant of the Undead by Isabelle Drake
Erotic Horror Fiction 
Released May 2018
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Having sex with an ice-covered, smudgy-eyed woman in tattered fishnets and a barely-there mini-skirt is Hayden Thomas’ first mistake. His second: thinking he’s in control of what happens next. 

The city of Boston is held hostage by a snow storm and rumors are spreading about zombies roaming the streets, looking for human flesh. Hayden Thomas, tabloid newspaper writer, is out to get something fresh about zombies for his editor. At the Boston Public Library, Hayden uncovers some old research that suggests that some zombie tribes survive by having constant sex instead of eating human flesh. 

Mattie, a zombie out looking for information on a rival tribe, finds Hayden and uses him for sex. After using him, she discovers his research. She wants to find out how to reverse herself and become one of the living again, so she decides to keep Hayden as her sexual servant so she can use him for information as well as sex. 

My Thoughts:

I don’t think this book is going to be a book for everyone but if you like a little monster mixed in with your erotica it may just be the book for you.

Hayden is a young guy doing a little zombie sex-cult research for a junk rag in the library when he is approached by a gorgeous woman wearing little more than a mini-skirt and a few scraps of rags. She’s dripping (it’s storming out, you pervs), she is icy cold and she smells weird. He knows deep down that something is not quite right here but he has sex with her anyway (hey, she offered!) and now he’s in way over his head. Turns out she’s the sort of zombie that he has just been researching. What are the odds, do you think?! She lets him know that he is her newest sex pet and he must perform whenever she feels the need to “feed” which is quite often, it turns out. She feeds off of sex, by the way, instead of brains and he has no way to fend her off because she easily compels him with her eyes and her beautiful body.

“You don’t understand yet, do you? Let me explain. You belong to me now. Until I’m done with you, that is.”

She chains him, she drugs him and, if you ask me, it serves him right! He has a girlfriend who he has cheated on and now because of his dick and his weakness, she’s caught up in all of this weirdness. He is one of the world’s worst boyfriends and feels bad for brief moments but not bad enough to figure a way out of the situation. And nearly not bad enough for me to feel bad for him as I reveled in his debasement!

This book is something else. I cannot honestly say that I liked any of the characters with the exception of Rachelle, the cuckolded but good-natured girlfriend, because they’re all pretty despicable creatures who do terrible things and think terrible thoughts but I couldn’t put it down. It’s a sexy, strange read with loads of dubious consent and a few humiliating episodes but nothing overly gross or truly disturbing (says me who has read some AWFUL stuff in the past, pee & poo stuff if you must know, so your mileage may vary). Be warned though, if dubious consent or the inability to consent scares you off because that stuff is here in several scenes. None of it gets too dark or disgusting and it’s not filled with angst and emotional despair. It was all rather amusing in a dark, dubiously sexy sort of way.

I’d give it a 3 1/2 because the story did get a wee bit convoluted towards the last half but it still managed to keep me entertained.

Thanks to Netgalley & the publisher for providing me with an ARC.


  1. I looked at this one but I don't like zombies so I passed on it.

    1. Zombies aren't usually the sexiest of monsters, lol.

  2. I love a good zombie story but not so sure about this one. LOL

  3. Wow, not sure this is for me, but it seems like the entertainment factor is pretty high!

  4. I remember seeing this one on NetGalley and I thought about requesting it. I would totally read this one, Bark!

    1. It's wild and not for everyone, for sure, but it's definitely unique.

  5. It wasn't quite what I expected, but better for it. I liked that she didn't spoon-feed us, leaving us in the dark as to the darker plots and motivations, and keeping it a mystery.

    1. There was lots of dark stuff going on there. I can't wait to read more!

  6. WOW, this sure sounds different. I'd read it just because of it strangeness - but then does that surprise you? Great review. And you're right, sounds like the guy has it coming to him.

    1. Thanks, Barb :) I have to admit, I took great glee in seeing him suffer a wee bit.

  7. "pee & poo stuff if you must know"
    I never fail to be surprised by your reading history. :P

    1. lol, I probably shouldn't be so forthcoming with my shady reading past!


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