May 2018 Wrap-Up

I just realized I haven't done one of these since March of 2017. I am nothing if not inconsistent!

May 2018

New Reviews Posted
(clicking on cover will bring you to my review)

My Favorites

The Good Reads

The Eh

The Sexy


Well, looks like I read mostly great books so yay but only three of them were from my physical TBR pile. Better than zero, I suppose! I learned a few things when looking back at my books in May, mainly that I am pretty much finished with any sort of thriller written from the FBI or investigators POV and that I need to weed my tbr of most of the YA titles hiding in there because they don't grab me. Horror is still my first and forever love and twisted serial killers are still working for me but I do need a little romance thrown in to break up the darkness.

Reviews Coming Soon:

Now ReadingCurrent Listen40236914

This month I'm hoping to catch up on my review copies, both audio & print, and maybe read at least one TBR book but that's not looking too good :) How's your June looking?


  1. I'm afraid to look at June :) In fact, I haven't even did a TBR for this month and am thinking about skipping it altogether. Hey, all three of your faves look pretty darn awesome!

    1. Sometimes you just have to skip a feature or two. I went over a year before resurrecting this one, lol. My how the time flies :)

  2. Looks like May was a good month minus the DNF. I want to catch up on my review copies too. I doubt I will get to to much from my TBR pile. Have a great June!

    1. Thanks, Grace! It seems the TBR pile is always the last to get read. I promised myself I'd focus on it this year but something new and shiny always attracts my attention.

  3. I've got a good 1984 audiobook somewhere, that I might dust off again for my classics challenge. Seeing yours here has reminded me, though I'm not sure it's the same narrator.

  4. At least you have figured out what books to cross of your tbr pile. Tastes do change. Looks like you had some great reads in May. I hope you have a great June!

  5. Yeah sometimes a certain type of book just stops appealing-I've had that before. I basically want to stick to horror, creature features, preppers, apocalypses and decent UF with the odd SF, fantasy and thriller when I find ones I really want to read. I'm planning an ereader cull as well!

    1. It took me a long time to figure out what I truly enjoy reading and even then I'm sometimes wrong :)

  6. I love how you have a special section for "the sexy" XD I want to read Fear University, so I'm looking forwad to that review!

    1. Everyone needs a "the sexy" section :) Fear University was so much better than I anticipated. I'll get my review posted one of these days.


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