Review: Providence by Caroline Kepnes

It's no YOU and that's perfectly okay!

Providence by Caroline Kepnes
Supernatural Dark Fiction 
Released June 2018, 384 pages
Amazon ♦ Goodreads
Here's the truncated blurb because I think that sucker gives too much away:

Whisking us on a journey through New England and crashing these characters' lives together in the most unexpected ways, Kepnes explores the complex relationship between love and identity, unrequited passion and obsession, self-preservation and self-destruction, and how the lines are often blurred between the two.

My Thoughts:

Oh, this book. How on earth does one review such a unique book without ruining the experience for others? This is one of those books that you should experience going in nearly cold.

Strangely enough this book takes place in a town five minutes from my home. Me, being me, was reading every Nashua reference with a squinty eye looking for a nit to pick but I didn’t find anything to bitch about. Nashua is not a very exciting place, if you ask me, and it was fun imagining this weird stuff happening so close to me. I’m going to give any suspicious men about town even more of a wide berth after reading this, however.

If you bought PROVIDENCE because you loved YOU and HIDDEN BODIES and you expect another crazy Joe you do need to know that this book is not at all like either of them. It starts out when the main characters are children and within pages I was so in love with their friendship and engaged with these two characters that I didn’t want to put it down (curse you real life and your constant interruptions). Kepnes managed to do in mere pages what some books cannot accomplish after hundreds of them. She made me care deeply about these two and put my feelings through the wringer. Now that’s a talent!

Jon and Chloe just click. They would’ve, could’ve, should’ve been that rare couple who fall in love, marry young and stay together through good times and bad because they were meant to be. But that doesn’t happen because who wants to read that book?! Something unexpected happens to one of the kids and it changes them forever. Waking up with vague memories and a copy of The Dunwich Horror by Lovecraft with a strange letter tucked inside, the parents, best friend and the family soon learn that something has forever changed with this kid. I’m not going to tell you what it is or even which kid it is because you need to experience that gut punch yourownselves. I’ll just leave you guessing with this quote.

"I’m starting to get paranoid, starting to think something’s wrong with me… I imagine myself the invisible monster, slaughtering them all."

The remainder of the book features these two kids grown and struggling to connect, longing for each other but unable (for reasons I’m still not divulging) to be together properly. Their story is absolutely wrenching to witness. There is also another character named Eggs who makes it his mission to crack a case involving suspicious deaths of young people. Eggs and his story was also filled with pain and heartbreak and tore me all up inside. Geez, this book. I’m going to spoil it if I keep blathering on. Just read it if you want and I hope you love it as much as I did.

My favorite quote is this one because it’s so damned accurate for me and most everyone I know that I actually laughed out loud like a genuine lunatic.

"Why are you so dressed up? That should be the state fucking slogan of New Hampshire. "

Thanks Netgalley for allowing me to read the ARC!


  1. I can't wait until my reserve on Overdrive comes in. I'm even more excited for this one after seeing how much you enjoyed it. And cool that it takes place in your hometown!

    1. I thought it was soooo good. I'm seeing some mixed reviews but am definitely in the I love it unconditionally category. I hope your copy arrives soon and that you love it as much as I did.

  2. I'm so glad to see such a positive review for this one! I've been seeing soo many mixed reviews and I've been so unsure of whether to pick it up. I think you've convinced me to give it a shot!

    1. I truly hope you enjoy it as much as I did. It hit all the right notes for me but I can totally see why it's receiving mixed reviews.

  3. Can't wait to give this one a try. It sounds really good! :)

  4. Wow, I really want to read this now! I just need to find some extra time😁

  5. This one has been pinging my radar. Thrilled that you loved it and I can't wait to read it myself!

  6. How fun that it takes place so close to you! And ooh the kid wakes up with vague memories and a Lovecraft book? That spells trouble right there lol. Sounds really good!

  7. That is cool it takes place by where you live! I liked this but I really felt down by the ending. I really wanted more. Glad you loved it though!

    1. Yeah, it was so weird seeing Nashua, NH. Nobody writes books in my neck of the woods! I hope she writes a sequel someday.

  8. *slow claps* Awesome review without giving anything away!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  9. I like dark and the supernatural. Great review.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  10. I didn't know about this one so thank you for the great review.

  11. Oh wow this looks really good!


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