Review: The Sea Was a Fair Master by Calvin Demmer

Not surprising to all of you, I'm sure, but I got nothing accomplished on the blog while on vacation. I had fun though and actually read a few books! This was one of them:

The Sea Was A Fair Master by Calvin Demmer
Horror Flash Fiction 
Released June 2018
Amazon ♦ Goodreads
The world’s fate lies with a comatose young girl; an android wants to remember a human she once knew under Martian skies; men at sea learn that the ocean is a realm far different from land, where an unforgiving god rules; a school security guard discovers extreme English class; and a man understands what the behemoth beneath the sea commands of him.

The Sea Was a Fair Master is a collection of 23 stories, riding the currents of fantasy, science fiction, crime, and horror. There are tales of murder, death, loss, revenge, greed, and hate. There are also tales of hope, survival, and love.

For the sea was a fair master.

My Thoughts:

This is a collection of little short stories or as they’re better known “flash fiction”. There are 23 of them and when I realized how short they were I have to admit I was super worried that they’d be a waste of my time. I mean, I have trouble with a lack of a complete story in a novella, never mind a story that is only 2 pages or so! But once I started reading them I was no longer worried. These stories are eerie, creepy, sinister, sometimes bleak or funny and always creative and best of all they are COMPLETE! One or two even almost made me get teary. How the author managed to do that with so few words is beyond me but I’m glad he did and I can easily recommend it for any weird fiction and horror fan.

There’s a little something for everyone here and I wasn’t disappointed with any of the stories but, of course, there were some I liked better than others. I'd say my least favorites were the two having to do with the sea. Here are my favorites with vague little recaps.

Restroom Finds is filled with gory gorgeousness and is set during the aftermath of an apocalypse. All I have to say is, when are people finally going to listen to Agent Mulder and Trust No One?! And that means absolutely NO ONE!

Underneath is a darkly demented, humorous little tale about a man and his wife that still makes me laugh when I think of it. But perhaps there is something wrong with me 

Yara Damn this one. This one made me go all bleary eyed when I least expected it.

Revenge of the Myth Krampus comes a-calling and you can bet I loved this one. It’s complete but I’m greedy and I want it expanded into a novella! Who can ever get enough of the sexy Krampus, lol.

The One is a weird little voyeuristic look into the desperation of a homeless man willing to do the most awfullest of awful things in order to win the hand of the woman he loves. It’s gruesome and it’s fun, if you’re a weirdo.

Letting the Dead Grow A cemetery grounds keeper takes his macabre garden very, very seriously using the materials he has on hand.

Graves Oh, ouch this one stings the heart until it’s dead.

If you like this sort thing, I suggest you grab a copy of this collection. Each story is like a little present, and most contain an unexpected nasty little surprise inside. What more could you want?!

Thanks to author Calvin Demmer for sending me a paperback copy of his work!


  1. I think I'd like these short fiction stories! And I'm glad you had fun on your vacation. :)

    1. Thanks, Lark. I think you'd like them. Short and to the point :)

  2. This sounds interesting and to be honest, I'd probably get it for the Krampus tale alone. I'm glad you enjoyed your time off. I had a vacation the first week in July and I'm already ready for another one.

    1. yeah, I need another one too. One week is just not enough time.

  3. Flash fiction is something I never read because it's too short for me to get my teeth into! Sounds like you had fun with it though!

  4. A sexy Krampus?? lol

    I just read a collection of short stories that were just a few pages and I was worried too but they worked. It's hard to get that right in so few pages - glad you enjoyed it!

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Nah, he's not really sexy in this one but I always picture that guy as Krampus in my head when reading any of the Krampus stories, lol.

  5. Stings the heart until its Love it.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  6. It's good to take a vacation from the blog sometimes, too. Heaven knows I do. :) I'm excited to hear your thoughts on this. I think I'm going to love it. I've been in a flash fiction mood. It might be perfect for my summer slump. (Now that I've found the darn thing, I can read it! Haha)

    1. It's a solid collection and there were only two that were slightly not as good as the others for me but that happens with any collection. I hope you love it.


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