TTT: Best Books I’ve Read In 2018 (So Far)

Hello my bookish friends! Top Ten Tuesday has a new host so be sure to link up over at That Artsy Reader Girl. The creators over at The Broke and the Bookish are closing their doors for now. I'm going to try to be a semi-consistent contributor. But as always, I make no promises.

Today's topic: Best Books I’ve Read In 2018 (So Far) 

I've had decent luck this first half of 2018 but that might be because I've finally embraced the art of the DNF. No longer will I struggle with the meh, the offensive & the books that aren't yet ready for public consumption. Life's too short and I have too many books I want to get read before my number is up! The year is only halfway over and I already have 8 books that I gave all the stars. I think that's some sort of record for crabby me. Anyway, here they are:

My 5 Stars Reads So Far 
(click on cover for review)


Have you read any of 'em?


  1. Kill Creek is the only one on my tbr-not sure when I'll get to it!

  2. I absolutely love the Saga series and there was something really magical about The Rules of Magic Not quite sure what but I loved it and gave it 5/5 as well when I read it last year. I have Kill Creek on my TBR and have heard such wonderful things about it. Great list!

  3. I was looking over my books so far and I had several that suck with me but didn't necessarily love if that makes any sense. I've only had a few that I LOVED.

    I think I read Sage last year but that was fantastic.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  4. The only one I've read is A Monster Calls. I loved the book with all it's sketches and illustrations. The movie was good too. Some of your others are on my radar too. Great list.

  5. I haven't read any of the books featured in your post. But the covers look cool!!

    I selected the freebie topic and chose the top ten book festivals I'd love to attend here in the USA. Here's a link to my TTT post for this week:

  6. I loved Kill Creek and really want to read Eleanor Oliphant is Completely Fine. :)

  7. Great list! I've read three of these, Kill Creek, Behind her Eyes and The Rules of Magic. All fantastic:-)

  8. I haven't read any of them, but I will be checking out a few.

    sherry @ fundinmental

  9. I loved Smoke Gets in Your Eyes! Loved it! I gave my copy away and I want it back. Eleanor Oliphan and When a Monster Calls were also great reads. I see a couple that I need to check out.

  10. Ooh Cat Call looks interesting! And I wanted to read Behind Her eyes too...

  11. I need to read Eleanor Oliphant and Saga. I’m glad you liked them! They’re on my wish list. I read Smoke Gets In Your Eyes last year and liked it. A Monster Calls is one of my favorite books ever.


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