Friday Reads!

It's all horror all the time around here lately but it's officially Halloween season, right? What are your weekend plans? 


  1. I love Halloween season. No weekend plans. Just staying home and keeping cool. It's still up over 100 here.

    1. Yuck, I hope the heat breaks for you. I *think* yesterday might've been our last hot, muggy day.

  2. There's nothing worse than people interrupting your reading! I used to get that on the bus coming home from work...people wanting to know what I'm reading and why! It drove me nuts. This weekend it is the start of my ten days of shark books and films so I'll enjoy that!

  3. I'm reading mostly horror too. Bust writing a bunch of reviews for next month!

  4. Hope everyone left you alone! Happy Reading!

  5. I haven't read too much lately. It's been too hot and aghhhh I don't wanna do anything lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

  6. We are definitely in the same page. Loved Everson's new book and I just started Predators.

    1. Predators is really good so far. I can't wait to read your thoughts.


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