Hanging Around the Blogs (1)

I love Chuckles Book Cave's feature "Around the Blogs with Chuckles" so much that I'm going to do one too. There are never enough hours in the day to be a creeper on all the blogs so here's a recap of some great posts you may have missed while you were out living your life.

Creepy Facelift
Chuckles Book Cave has a creepy new look and I adore it. Check it out at Chuckles Book Cave.

Char's Horror Corner reviews the audiobook version of Cockblock by CV Hunt 

Jen @ Book Den reviews Grady Hendrix's newest release. We Sold Our Souls

Tammy @ Books, Bones & Buffy has a horror book to recommend. It's about Bram Stoker and it doesn't contain vampires! The Night Crossing by Robert Masello

The Ladies of Horror Fiction have announced their first readalong for Rebecca by Daphne Du Maurier starting November 4. Read all the details https://ladiesofhorrorfiction.com/2018/09/23/lohfreadalong-rebecca/

GingerNuts of Horror reviews a Halloween book I am dying to rea.  Doorbells at Dusk edited by Evans Light

Lilyn @ Sci-fi & Scary reviews The House by the Cemetery by John Everson. She also talks about our little horror reading group. Read, join, it's sooo much fun! Books are always better with friends.

Toni @ The Misadventures of a Reader gives five stars to Pretty Marys All In A Row by Gwendolyn Kiste

Book Tag
Barb @ BookerT's Farm completes a Netflix book tag with loads of great book recommendations. Netflix book tag

Author Guest Post
Inkheist posts a creepy little piece by John T. Taff. He apparently grew up in my dream house. It's called I Grew Up In A Haunted House

Book Store Review
Erica Robyn reviews one of my favorite local(ish) bookstores. Wicked Good Books in Salem, MA

TBR Pain
Laura @ FUONLYKNEW shares some beautiful books she hopes to read before the year ends. Good luck with that, Laura!  Seriously? Really . . .

Frank Errington reviews the CRAZY In The Mouth of Madness for Cemetery Dance. https://www.cemeterydance.com/extras/review-the-mouth-of-the-dark-by-tim-waggoner/#more-12215

Lark reviews a book whose premise scares me to death!  Virulent Release

Did you know Sci-fi and Scary had a podcast? Tune in this week as team members discuss the creepy film VVitch 


  1. It was originally your Got my Eye feature that inspired me to do Around The Blogs! It's great that you're doing one so that even more blogs are being featured!

    1. I may have gotten a little carried away with the list on my first outing but it was fun! I need to do another Got My Eye On. The problem with those is the fact that I want to buy all the books and read them right now but I'm swamped with ARC's atm.

  2. Oh I have to check out the Netflix tag! Thanks for sharing these!

    1. You're very welcome, Grace. It's a super fun tag that I'm too lazy to do. But I sure love reading them.

  3. Thanks for including me in your list! :D

  4. I love these too! I used to pick a favorite blog post every week but I fail at almost everything blogging right now lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. Hahaha, you do better than me most of the time. I'm trying to do scheduled posts which is why I actually have some content. I'll fail at that soon enough you just wait :)


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