Hanging Around the Blogs (2)

I love Chuckles Book Cave's feature "Around the Blogs with Chuckles" so much that I'm going to do one too. There are never enough hours in the day to be a creeper on all the blogs so here's a recap of some great posts and articles you may have missed while you were out living your life.

Is Retro Horror Fiction Making A Resurgence? 
Well, I sure hope so because I love that stuff! Read the Forbes article here.

Char's Horror Corner Reviews Hunter Shea's "The Devil's Tentacles" 
Oops, I meant "THE DEVIL'S FINGERS". The accompanying photo really makes the review pop, lol. Read it here.

Chuckles revisits a book about the invasion of the planet by underground humanoid cannibals! 
Read her review of DEAD TREES by Eli Constant.

BookerT's Farm reads a classic from the 70's called BURNT OFFERINGS by Robert Marasco 
I read this one a while ago on audio and loved it. I keep meaning to re-watch the creepy movie with Karen Black. Read Barb's review here.

FUONLYKnew has started her 31 Days of Thrills 
Check out day 1's review of GRETEL by Christopher Coleman

The Ladies of Horror Fiction Has A New Look 
Author Edward Lorn kindly created a brand new header to spiff up our site. Check out what we've been up to this week at LADIES OF HORROR FICTION

Dark Thoughts reviews a book about a sex hotel that isn't very sexy!
Read Mary's review of  UNLEASHED BY Caitlin Crews

Did you know there's a program that allows you to schedule Instagram posts? 
Me neither. My friend Toni told me about it. It's called Later and it allows you create your post on a PC instead of a phone. This may be a game changer for me. I hate typing things on my that horrible little screen on my phone & prefer to bang away on a real keyboard. If you're like me, check it out here:  LATER.COM


  1. I've seen a few books marketed as retro horror coming out and I'm liking the idea of trying a few out. One should be arriving in the post tomorrow which is exciting! I like these 80's slasher themed ones that I'm adding rapidly to wishlist! Thanks for the mention!

  2. Ooh some good stuff here! I need to go read that Forbes article.

  3. I like these kinds of posts...they help me know what I missed. :)

  4. I'll be checking some of those posts. I like this feature too.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  5. All of you are killing my TBR - not to mention my bank account!


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