Policy Change

Because the last few months haven't been shitty enough, I went over to Amazon to post my review of Carmilla and this happened:

Apparently Amazon decided to delete 18 years of my reviews from their website with no notice, no warning and absolutely no reason.They also revoked my reviewing priveledges and dropped my ranking from 1,500-something to #55,806,921 over night. They left up reviews from the year 2000 and older and I haven't a clue why they're still there but I'm guessing they'll disappear soon too. Why'd this happen? I don't write false reviews, I don't inflate review ratings and I don't even know any authors personally unless you count a book signing  I recently went to where I was too shy to speak to any of them!

I've been told by others who have had the ban hammer of Amazon dropped upon them that it is because someone either flagged my reviews for whatever reason and/or it is because they think I'm having "relationships" with authors. I guess they're so stuck in their own little bubble at Amazon-land that they assume following an author on Twitter and Facebook means you're married. If an author sends you a book to review it must mean you are surely tainted and none of your reviews can be trusted. Apparently, they couldn't be bothered to actually read the text of my reviews because I don't care who you are, if I don't like something in your book, I am telling everyone. Even if you're one of my author wives and husbands and side pieces.

I have unsuccessfully attempted to get them restored. I sent an email as instructed and received this message well over 48 hours ago:

Apparently their "should hear back from them" really means never because it's nearly 3 days now and I've heard nothing. Their Twitterhelp desk keeps instructing me to call but I have no fucks left to give and don't want to waste any more of my life talking to any of them. Honestly, after their treatment of me, I no longer want to submit my reviews to them. 18+ years as a loyal customer and free reviewer and they treat me like this? As a result, I will no longer provide Amazon links on any of my reviews going forward and will instead point people to buying books anywhere EXCEPT Amazon. Small publishers treat you much better anyway adding in extra perks like bookmarks and stickers, at least in my experience. 

So Amazon,


  1. That sucks! I can't believe they did that. 18 years of reviews and they ban you for no reason? It's not right. I'd be pissed, too.

  2. This is a big old pile of crap if you ask me. Sorry that you are having to deal with this.

  3. You have to keep bugging them! I was banned a few months ago just out of the blue I tried to post a review from a book I got at the library and it told me the same thing. I chatted with customer service and they said they would get it fixed, I waited, I chatted again, they said they would fix it, I waited, I chatted again and finally I got it fixed.

    It's a load of crap and I will admit I don't review much on amazon any more because of it even though I can now.

    1. Seriously? They got you too?! What is the deal with them?

  4. As much as they want books reviewed so they can sell more, this is nuts! If you do decide to try again, I hope you get it fixed.

    1. They did return them but I don't trust it. I'm not submitting reviews to them anymore.

  5. This is utter pants! I've heard of that policy and thought it was a bit dodgy-I mean most of us at some point received a book from an author and maybe had to exchange a few emails to get it. We follow authors we like on social media and stuff to find out about new releases and share the odd comment with them but we don't really KNOW them! The vast majority of us review honestly anyway! Why do let us put up reviews of things we have received from the author if it's wrong to communicate with them? Are we going to get zapped if we start giving too many 5 star reviews to the same authors and get a penalty for daring to enjoy some books? Ugh.

    I have to fight them on a regular basis for refunds and bad service and they generally try to fob you off when you complain. Personally I'd keep fighting. Tell them you want to know WHY this happened, demand reinstatement and remind them of your years of service. Don't let all your work go to waste and stick it to them!

    1. It is completely ridiculous. I don't even know how to interpret their rules since they are so vague and ever-changing. We had to fight them over their cancellation of our just paid for Prime. It took HOURS on the phone before everything was set to rights. One disgruntled employee overstepped and screwed up our entire account.

  6. I would fight too. Who died and made them God? Most of us follow authors we like to be kept in the loop, waiting for new releases and wanting to know what they are working on. Sorry for the hassle. I can't imagine how I would feel if it happens to me, but I wouldn't be totally surprised either.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  7. Oh NO!!! I am so sorry to hear that happened to you! I hope they get it resolved for you!!

  8. Yeah, they suck. I won't even shop on their site after they deleted a bunch of my reviews for no reason. I hope you get some resolution but I know others who have had the same thing happen and they don't get it resolved.

  9. That is so wrong! They have no right to treat people this way. Don't they realize they are only hurting themselves. And the fact that they won't even discuss it tells me they know they are wrong!

  10. oh wow this is unbelievable! So wrong at so many levels! I'm outraged! so sorry to hear this happened to you Laurie! :(


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