Amazon Update

Amazon never responded to my inquiries about my 18 years worth of missing reviews and their removing my ability to review on the site but yesterday both returned. I am extremely wary of them now and will no longer review there, nor will I add in any links on my blog pointing to them.  I'm glad the reviews are back but I think it only happened because of my big mouth on social media. My ranking is still in the gutter too. I feel so used and discarded, lol.

They are gonna get nothing but the ol' side eye from me from here on out.


  1. I'm very happy to hear that both returned but definitely understand how you feel!

    1. I don't even know what their problem with me was because they wouldn't respond so it makes me very wary to review for them in the future.

    2. I totally understand! The no responding is the worst of the whole situation!

  2. I haven't reviewed there in years except in very limited circumstances (I'm part of their Vine review program so I have to or very small pub books but I write abbreviated /short reviews). I've had my reviews stolen from there too many times and got weird comments from people - like you review is too long. Even if it was short lol

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. lol, Amazon comments are so weird. I deleted the option off of my page because they were almost never pleasant.

  3. I'm glad your reviews are back on Amazon, but how they treated you to begin with still sucks the big one. I don't blame you for not reviewing there ever again. I wouldn't either.

  4. I've had good and bad experiences when dealing with Amazon. I'm glad things were mostly fixed and get where you're coming from.

  5. So damn crazy! I'm glad your reviews are back. It was a shitty move.

  6. I remember seeing on our local news that Amazon was removing reviews, if I remember correctly it was because those reviewers were paid. I'm not sure how Amazon was able to determine that. Happy to hear that your reviews are back, sorry about your ranking. I can understand you not wanting to link to Amazon, what they did was not good.

  7. I think it is pathetic that they don't even have the decency to tell you what they pulled your reviews for. The fact that they reinstated your reviews means they should've restored your rating. That sucks Bark. I'm thinking that I probably won't be posting any more reviews or links to Amazon in the future either. I love the look on the dogs face in the photo! Now that is the hairy eyeball!

  8. I don't even understand Amazon in regards to reviews. Do they want reviews or not? It seems so arbitrary when it comes to removing reviews. I hate it when you can't get a straight answer from a company.

  9. I'm glad your reviews are back but completely understand how you feel.

  10. So sorry that you had this problem! I can understand why you'd be frustrated. My reviews mystappeared from Amazon at one point too, and then came back. I never did figure out what happened, but for me it was for a very short time, so I didn't stress about it that much. I get why you'd be wary of them now. Amazon reviews do really help authors, though, so you might want to consider posting there anyway---for the authors, not for Amazon. :-)

    Nicole @ Feed Your Fiction Addiction

  11. Ugh! I'm glad to hear the reviews are back but I totally understand your hesitation to use them moving forward!

  12. This comment's a bit late but I'm sorry to hear that happened. How ridiculous. *rolls eyes at Amazon's f***ery*


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