Hanging Around the Blogs: News You May Have Missed (5)

I love Chuckles Book Cave's feature "Around the Blogs with Chuckles" so much that I'm going to do one too. There are never enough hours in the day to be a creeper on all the blogs and social media outlets so here's a recap of some great posts, articles and news tidbits you may have missed while you were out living your life.

 Do you ever order directly from publishers? 
Valancourt Publishing reports that Amazon continues to remove their books and state on many of their listings that remain that they are 1-3 months out and none of this is true. Please read more HERE

HWA Announces Summer Scares Program
Book Riot reports on an amazing summer program that will help introduce new readers to the horror genre. Get them hooked young and they'll be hooked forever. I spent entire summers reading nothing but horror so this program warms my heart. Read more about it HERE

The Goodreads Group Reads Have Been Chosen for November
And they're FREE!  Our group of moderators at Horror Aficionados decided to go with public domain titles for November and the membership have chosen Carmilla and Dracula. If you'd like to read either, or both, feel free to jump in to these two threads with your two cents! I'd love to see you there.

Carmilla by J. Sheridan Le Fanu
Dracula by Bram Stoker

Speaking of Vampires . . .
Chuckles has composed a lovely list of our favorite blood-suckers! Read more HERE

Candy & 5 Books to Read on Halloween (I like to pretend it's always Halloween around here)
Red Lace has a super fun guest post by author Christa Carmen where she pairs up scary reads with candy. Her take on Grady Hendrix is 100% accurate as I've recently met him myself. Read more HERE


  1. Thanks for the mention Bark! Hope to do a few SF posts this month just as a change from horror!

    1. I think November is sci-fi month. A lot of bloggers are celebrating it. I don't read very much sci-fi but maybe something will turn my head.

  2. Awesome informative links! Thanks for sharing. :)

  3. Thanks for sharing these. I know everyone is doing sci fi this month but I'm doing cozies and light mysteries.

  4. Valancourt has had it a bit rough. I signed up for their newsletter so maybe I can snag some of those deals. :)

    1. Amazon is totally messing with them. It makes no sense at all.

  5. I just share whatever comes next on my reading list, though I try to throw horror in during October, Christmas in December and some love in February. AND THAT CAT! Totally creeps me out!!!!
    sherry @ fundinmental Sunday Memes

  6. Horror seems to be really making a comeback - not that it went away but more that people are appreciating it and spreading the word more I guess. Awesome resources.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. I love it. It seems to be booming. It's nice to have so many people talking about horror instead of a small group but it's murder on my wallet.


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