November 2018 Wrap-Up

At least the month started out well . . .

November 2018

Reviews Posted
(clicking on cover will bring you to my review)


Our Rebecca by Daphne du Maurier Community Wide Readalong is over at Ladies of Horror Fiction and we all had so much fun reading together and raving and ranting about things. You can read all of the posts at the Ladies of Horror Fiction website. We have another community-wide read planned for February and will be announcing the book very soon. I hope some of you will join us!

 New Purchases

I was pretty good about not blowing the budget this month (as much as it kills me) but I did purchase the Night Worms package and I'm so glad. Look at all of this Christmas horror goodness!

Oops, maybe I did blow the budget after all. I forgot I splurged on the Twitterstone box too . . .  and it was pretty excellent. 

And I just want to say that I am so very happy that these two good things arose from the flames left behind by the mess made by Nocturnal Reader's Box!

So, what are you all up to?


  1. I've had two rotten months of reading! I'm trying to get some done this month to salvage the year though at least I did hit my Goodreads Challenge this week!

    1. Yay, congrats! I hit mine too which is a miracle. I hope your reading life improves in December.

  2. You had a good month. I was tallying up my reads last night and did better than I thought - crash, stress and all. Yes, something good came out of "The Box That Shall Not Be Named."

  3. WOW fabulous boxes. I see why you wanted them.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  4. You did have a great month! November was good for me too. It was cozy month and I found a series I fell in love with.

    1. Yay, it's such a great feeling to find a new series to love!

  5. I had a bad month all around but this month has been better - if not -super lazy on the reading front.

    I'm glad you had good book box experiences to counter that other one.

    Karen @ For What It's Worth

    1. :) I hope you get your reading mojo back but sometimes you just need a break.


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