Unmemory by Kristi DeMeester Review

Santa may be on the cover but you can read this any time.

Unmemory by Kristi DeMeester
Horror Fiction, 40 pages
Released December 2018
Goodreads | Buy A Copy Here 

An original, 9,000-word short story by Kristi DeMeester, with 10 illustrations by Yves Tourigny. A university student attempts to track down the briefly-glimpsed Christmas film which traumatized her as a child.

These Are My Thoughts:

Unmemory is a 40 page chapbook. 10 of those pages are beautifully illustrated by artist Yves Tourigny who brings the creep factor to life. His drawings buzz with unease and one of them is an eye-opening reveal that I just loved.

A young girl grows up in a religious cult that doesn’t allow television. They’re the windows to the devil and all that. Horrific, right? One day mom drags curious daughter to visit a friend and she goes snooping where she shouldn’t go snooping and spies a man watching a creepy Christmas horror flick. It haunts her forevermore. Later, when she’s a college student, she decides to embark on a journey to hunt down a copy of that old VHS tape but it’s not as easy as she imagined.

This is such an odd little story and the less said the better. There is seduction and simmering distaste and all sorts of uglies and strangeness bubbling under the surface of this story and that’s what I love most about DeMeester’s writing. She knows how to create atmosphere and a sense of disquiet and she does it very well here. Ashleigh is also wily and smart and full of confidence. I liked that about her, even if I wasn’t entirely thrilled with some of her actions.

I received my copy through the NightWorms subscription box and I’m glad I had the opportunity to read it. With that said, this book sells for $15.00 so it’s hard to recommend it at cover price unless you’re a collector or a super fan. There are little more than 30 pages of text here but what is here is good stuff so do what you will.

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  1. Yeah that price is a bit steep for such a short book.

    1. It's pretty but yeah that's a big chunk of change for such a small word count.

  2. Great review, but you are right about the price.
    sherry @ fundinmental

  3. Oh darn! That does sound fun! I wonder if I can get my local library to snag a copy! :) Great review!

    1. thanks, Erica! My library is not so great so I'm glad I got this in a box. I would've missed it otherwise because of the price.

  4. She can really write atmospheric plots. I'd love to read this but it's a bit too pricey for me.

    1. She is an excellent writer. I hope she hits the mainstream this year.

  5. I wouldn't pay that price for such a short book!

    1. I know, it's kind of nuts. It's lovely though but eeeeeh.

  6. This sounds really good. And pretty creepy! I do love chapbooks, and depending on how nicely made it was, I would pay $15. That's cool that it came in a subscription box:-)

    1. yes, I am so thrilled I had the chance to read it! The artwork enhanced the experience.


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