Hanging Around the Blogs: News & Reviews You May Have Missed (10)

I love Chuckles Book Cave's feature "Around the Blogs with Chuckles" so much that I'm going to do one too. There are never enough hours in the day to be a creeper on all the blogs and social media outlets so here's a recap of some great posts, articles and news tidbits you may have missed while you were out living your life.

As you can see, I didn't get around too much this past week again! Can I get a few more hours in the day, please?! February, I fear, is going to by in a too busy blur but it's the good kind of busy. If my posts dwindle down to a review or two a week that'll be the reason. 

Ladies of Horror Fiction News

We are celebrating Women In Horror Month #WIHM over at Ladies of Horror Fiction with a readathon, a photo challenge and a Community Readalong of Tananarive Due's THE BETWEEN. Get all the info here:  https://www.ladiesofhorrorfiction.com

Booker T's Farm Warning

Barb has a rant about the movie Polar and after reading it I will NEVER watch that movie!  Read more here:

Chuckles Book Cave Feature

Chuckles is off to find dinosaurs in New Zealand. See her little spotlight on author Lee Murray's creature features here:  

Mother Horror Recommends

Sadie Lou Who has some beautiful photos filled with recommendations for Women In Horror Month. If you're needing more books to buy, check it out:

Ink Heist Giveaway

The crew over at Ink Heist is running a giveaway for 3 signed copies of a Max Booth III's CARNIVOROUS LUNAR ACTIVITIES. It looks weird and wonderful and you can bet I'll be entering. You can too by clicking here:


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